
Prestige Classes - Granted Powers

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Hello there everyone,

I have been working on some mods for my personal game build, but i don't know which script or file determines what force powers prestige classes get as soon as you get the prestige and when leveling up. 

Does anyone know which files contain these parameters and/or code?

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1 minute ago, darthbdaman said:

The feats can be controlled in feat.2da, but I'm pretty sure the powers are hardcoded

Yes, the spells.2da file allows you to alter parameters like force points cost, level restriction, alignment, among others, but it doesn't have a granted field like the feat.2da file has.

I assumed that it must have been coded in one of the scripts.

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it is hardcored like Classes column within class.2da file. So that is one of the mod ideas i learn the hard way. I am still learning about kotor 1 mod, half decent with Kotortool and Tslpatcher confuse me right now.

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