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Wearing these devices, they would have recognized the Rakata as the primitive deceivers they turned out to be.

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not useable by Wookiees


This simple device improves the wearer's ability to perceive the reality of their surroundings. Its name mocks those who had believed the Rakatan's absurd claims of dominance. It is joked that if such individuals had been wearing these devices, they would have recognized the Rakata as the primitive deceivers they turned out to be.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Its a thing the developers left to see how many people they can prank.

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The Rakatan Band (helmet 3)?



not useable by Wookiees


This simple device improves the wearer's ability to perceive the reality of their surroundings. The origin behind the item's name is unknown, but rumor has it that these bands were constructed as a defense against an ancient species of alien deceivers, who made absurd claims of dominance concerning their role in the galaxy. It is said this species of lying primitives went so far as to take credit for almost every major event in galactic history since the discovery of the hyperdrive.

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