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  1. Guide Updated 10/26/14 This guide requires Nvidia Inspector Currently there are no options to get ENB, SweetFX, etc working in Kotor/Kotor2. These options will give you the highest quality for Antialiasing, Texture Filtering, Screen-Tear, and input delay. 1) Launch Nvidia Inspector, and open "Driver (256+) Profile Settings. 2) Click the drop-down arrow by the Home Icon. Search and Click the Profile for "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2" Use my settings below as reference, or import my profile. Make sure to apply changes! Antialiasing - Mode - Override any application setting Antialiasing - 8xQ (8x Multisampling) // Or set to 4x Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling (8x Sparse Grid Supersampling) // Or set to 4x Anisotropic Filtering Mode - User-defined / Off Anisotropic Filtering Setting - 16x Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (OGL) - 0 // Values between 0 and -0.250 improve sharpness but introduce shimmering Texture Filtering - Negative LOD Bias - Clamp Texture Filtering - Quality - High Quality Texture Filtering - Trilinear Optimization - Off Frame Rate Limiter - 58 fps // Change to 118fps if you are using 120Hz Monitor, or offf for 144Hz+ Download Nvidia Inspector Profile Profile for 60Hz Monitor (Locked @ 58fps) *Most common Profile for 120Hz Monitor (Locked @ 118fps) Profile for unlimited FPS Notes / Warnings > Ensure that the Antialiasing modes are matching. For example, 2x/2x, 4x/4x, 8x/8x > Adjust LOD Bias (OGL) to taste. Values between 0 (Soft) and minus -1.500 (Sharper) increase sharpness of textures, although shimmering may occur. Most shimmering I've noticed only on the starting Peragus, although with sharper textures (floor). Therefore you may enjoy settings at 0, -.5000, -1.000, -1.500. My uploaded profile has LOD Bias @ 0 for best stability. What am I working on at the moment? > A confirmed list of non-working OpenGL/DX9 wrappers > Complete Nvidia Inspector Profiles (Different versions, 4x/4x AA for slower GPUs, and some other variants) > Testing any wrappers for OpenGL/DX9 (OpenGL32.dll) > Continuing to explore Nvidia Inspector options, so far nothing working for Ambient Occlusion These OpenGL to DirectX9 Wrappers do NOT work: > gldirect5 // Download > QindieGL.1.0 (rev4 & rev3) // Download > TitaniumGL v2014_01 (All Versions) // Download