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About Rookie

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  1. I decided to start over and uninstall and reinstall my KOTOR II again and this time without the Full Force power mod given how it messes with the other two force mods as mentioned before but I just have one more question, is HOTOR 1.4 compatible with RCM?
  2. Sorry, didn't know that since I thought the main story would be smooth enough but guess not.
  3. Well as long as USM doesn't interfere with the main story's progress from start to finish then I don't mind it really. ^^; And sure
  4. Well I dunno what is better than USM since it seems top notch so if say there is a better mod such as that then please tell me, i'd like to hear it. Also, whoever cleaned up my wall of text, you have my thanks. ^^ I'm usually one to state the facts and i'm usually like that to be messy but at least I get the point across so whoever did that, thank you. Also, it's the other Fire & Ice Robes. ^^; I added the Visas romance enhancement mod since I love the ExileXVisas pairing a lot hence I did that. So it seems that the Full Force mod may be the reason for the "black screen" problem, now I just need to learn how to uninstall it, sounds stupid I know but i'd like to do so while keeping the Lost Powers and High Level Force Power mod intact is all. ^^;
  5. Well I can try but I don't think it's the full list.. - I have Ultimate Sabee Mod (Yes, I've heard it's incompatible but as long as it doesn't mess with the main story's progress I don't mind. ^^; ) - Also, I have the Yuthura, Mission Vao, and Taepalae heads. - High Level Force Mod with it's patch, - Lost Force Powers pack mod - The Full Force Mod(this mod leads me to believe that is causing a bit of trouble, and I may have to leave that out as it conflicts with the Lost Force Powers and High Level Force Power mods) - Enhanced Visas Marr Romancement (for the part after the Jedi Masters event on Dantooine and the problem I'm having right now does not occur at that part but as said before when Kreia uses her "power" on all three Jedi Masters and shortly after that fades to black and when fully black ends her dialogue and remain trapped in black screen yet still am able to go to the menu screens but nothing more than that it seems which is very odd indeed. - The Fire & Ice robes mod (But it should not conflict as it merely adds to the corpse inside the Shyrack Caves near the entrance/exit of it.) - I also have the HD movies and the official music update (more HD and clearer) - The Coruscant Jedi Temple mod, - Revan's and Star Forge robe pack, - TSL Jedi & Sith Battle Helmets Mod (All created at workbench). - Survival Mask 1.1 (That replaces the look of the normal Arkanian Blinders and other related masks to Survival Mask model and texture but does not replace the stats of each respected mask.) - The last I can point out is an HD Lighting replacement that replaces the Lighting bolts from various things emitted from (Force Lightning, Shock arm, etc. ) with the new one. (I have a feeling it might be because of the Full Force Power Mod as I see it indeed conflicting with Lost Powers and High level Force power mods but again, just a feeling. ^^; ) Hope this long wall of text helps, if at all. ^^; I'm specifically looking to fix that one problem as stated before, as long as they don't interfere with the main story's progress I don't mind.) The status of the Handmaiden (I'm a male PC ) is when she doesn't trust my PC anymore and goes all DS robes. I started a new game with TSLRCM 1.8.1 installed.
  6. I checked my Override directory but no file called such is there, odd... :/ What do you suggest I do to fix it? I really want it fixed after all.
  7. I have a weird bug now, it's after Kreia uses her "power" on all three Jedi Masters and after that the screen turns black and ends her dialogue after her using that "power" when it fully blacks out, help please... I don't have any Kreia skins as I don't really care for her. XD But still, i'd appreciate any help on how to fix this annoying bug, really.
  8. I had the same problem believe it or not. XD lol I just installed a good HK-50/51 skin makeover and that fixed it so that it reflects the one in the skin mod and that was enough for me. ^^
  9. I have that error as well since nothing at all happens after I beat Visas after the "Lightsaber Training" with her, which is odd indeed. I don't think I have 1.6 since I downloaded the 1.8 version directly from the Moddb page itself which only has the 1.8 download. So that's proof I don't have 1.6 but I just wish the strange problems weren't there.
  10. Actually no, I started my first KOTOR II on my PC with RCM 1.8 already installed before I even started my KOTOR II on my Steam though i'm theorizing (not exactly accurate here) that it might be that the fact that the restored cutscene where it shows the Red Eclipse board the ship and whatnot more than once (I did it once with repeating multiple times and then I thought that might be the cause of it so I took care of it only after multiple strange repeats of the cutscene) and that led me to believe that this led to the wrong part of KOTOR II executing when the proper Goto's Yacht scene is supposed to play but now I got another repeat and this time around I took care of the Red Eclipse and killed them, thus ending the Red Eclipse quest but even after completing it it still repeated for some strange reason, i'm theorizing but not entirely certain that this might be the cause for the improper scene playing at the Goto's Yacht part but again, I dunno for certain, just a guess. ^^; I hope that they will release a patch soon enough (I don't mind waiting) that will fix this quite conflicting problem(s) since it is quite annoying. I haven't confirmed yet if I can reach Goto's Yacht fully into it but i'm hoping that completing the Red Eclipse quest (Landing Rights) after experiencing the cutscene once and dealing with that after seeing it just once might fix the annoying bug but if all else fails I will take your advice and do that if it doesn't go through it normally as it should, thanks for the support, really.
  11. Hey, I have a MAJOR problem with the Nar Shaddaa part, it's when the party members go to save the PC but for me after the cutscene showing the Ebon Hawk baiting Goto's Yacht into snatching them up instead of going to the scene where the PC talks to "Goto" it instead just goes back to Nar Shaddaa to a scene where a group of Zhug Gang members talk and then find out about the PC have just gained a meeting with the exchange and after this scene it goes back to Atton, Mira and T3-M4 on Nar Shaddaa without the ability to do the Transponder scene again and thus eliminates the very way to Goto's Yacht completely it seems, if someone could fix this VERY annoying bug I would GREATLY appreciate it, truly. I just dunno why it does this, it's just odd... :/