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About Cube

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. I posted this in the TSL troubleshoot thread, but I've since elimiated that as the cause of the problem - I've uninstalled it and it still won't load Goto's ship. For some reason, something is causing the display driver to stop loading (about 90% on the loading screen). This happens after the cutscene of Goto's ship boarding the Ebon Hawk. The bug suggests that there's something missing or corrupt in the files. I'm using the Bundle pack on Windows 7 64 bit. The only mod I had installed was TSLRCM 1.8. I've uninstalled and re-iinsstalled the game and TSLRCM with no changes. Does anyone have any ideas about this? Could I have more luck with the Steam version?
  2. I have no idea if this is due to TSLRCM or just my version of the game (the recent 1&2 bundle). Throughout the game I've had intermittent loading problems. The loading bar goes to about 90% then the game crashes to desktop (although the desktop stays at the game resolution until I end the program). Usually one or two loads will do this, and until now it's only happened on the first load of a game (i.e. not when entering a new area). Now, the same thing happens but it seems permanent. It's when you board Goto's ship - the Duros cutscene will load, then I get a video and the load screen for Goto's ship hangs as I described above. I've tried it about 30 times now with the same result. Edit: Tried it again and noticed a error message that only appears in the system tray for a short amount of time: "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" - a search suggests corrupted files so I'll try to reinstall if nobody knows of the issue.
  3. Started playing it. I don't think the launcher has changed (it doesn't show version number anywhere), however from another thread which mentions early changes I've noticed that - T3 talks to 3C and - Kreia says something like "the ship we arrived in - the Ebon Hawk" So I think 1.8 has sucessfully installed.
  4. I got mine yesterday, just installed it now. 1. If the specs are fine, it should be no problem. When I used a laptop for gaming, it was only ones beyond my laptop's specs that was a problem. 2. I've installed it. All the files are in the "Override" folder. However, I have never played The Sith Lords before. What would be the very first indication of sucessful installation? 3. I live in the UK. I ordered it from A few things - For the KoTOR 1 widrscreen patch, the .exe is different to the 1.03 version the patcher requires. So you can't play in widescreen. - For the KoTOR 2 widescreen patch, it patches but SecuROM stops you loading it. I will look into removing the SecuROM. Without ripping SecuROM from your computer, you can't play in widescreen. - I have Windows 7 64 bit. Both games needed to be run in Windows XP (SP3) compatability mode before they worked.