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Everything posted by Mixxer5

  1. Thank you very much, but don't you think that you could've just post modified files and say where to put them?
  2. Ok, no problem- I just wanted to know if You're still working on it
  3. How is it going? I'd love to play extended Korriban (actually- it's first time I've heard about this mod...), it was my favourite planet in KOTOR1
  4. Ah, I've never had high influence with GOTO so I've had no idea it's his work... Thanks for answer.
  5. Hi. I'm being continuously (during each playthrough )intrigued by this mission. It just doesn't seem to be complete and TSLRCM doesn't seem to change it. Are there any references to this mission in game files? I wonder what's going on and why is this guy being killed.
  6. One last thing- I guess it's no longer possible to finish "data transfer" quest now, after
  7. I've had no idea I can talk to him after Kaah sabotaged him... Back to the m4 then! Thanks by the way
  8. Ah... That'd explain my problems How can I become colonist then?
  9. Nothing I'm afraid- that's why I've been a bit disappointed to see him completely gone What should have happened by the way?
  10. Hi, I just finished M4 module (mostly) and after Kaah turned the main computer off (at the end- no spoilers ), I had conversation with him and he agreed to join me. He was supposed to come at landing zone (I think) but he just vanished... Is it a bug or have I overlooked something?
  11. Yeah, I've been following GenoHaradan mod for some time- disappointing Are there any plans for further expansion of project or it is over?
  12. Hi, I've been lurking at this forum for quite some time, but never got to write anything, though At first I'd like to say that I'm truly impressed by whole this magnificent work- it's awesome how much this game changes thanks to mods. That's why I wonder... Is there anything significant left to restore yet? Some long quests to complete, important characters cut-off, or is this mod mostly finished?