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About SirTwist

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  1. That was the guide, and that was me. I was trying to be nice about things. I did find another guide. I also realized that perhaps I may have done some things wrong when I was modding. And yes, part of it was my own fault. And I could have interacted with the guide's author better. I probably messed up my own game, without realizing what I did. I have found other builds, rather than guides, and I am going with some of their mods. And since I know most of those mods already, I figure I would skip some of those, since I already have them. I have talked to other guide "writers" and even contributed to their writings. Some were on YouTube, and they did like my contribution. I would like to propose that someone writes something about the K1 Restoration Mod that isn't a walkthrough, per se, but this was changed, and to get here, this is what is different than walkthroughs. And if you run into this, you have something that is conflicting, and here is the fix. Or potential fix. I just realized, I had used early versions of this mod. Way back when. When Holowan Labs was still around. Or maybe it was the TSL one? I can't remember, but I think I had used an early version of this mod. I have to see if I can't find the cd/dvd I burned my mods to, at that time. Wow, I just went down nostalgia lane there. Anyway, if I find the mod, I will post which version I had last. I will reply at another time on that. To clarify things, and to be sure whether you have the bug, or not. When you clear out the Black Vulkar base's main level, there should be a male human, not a green Twi'lek, in the office by where the armory is listed on the map. That is to the right of the main entrance to the base. If you have the Twi'lek, then you have something that affects the base. You need to find a save before you enter the base, delete all saves after, exit the game. From here, delete your Modules and Override folders, at minimum. Then reinstall Restoration, and then all your other mods, excluding anything that the Restortation mod already does. Like bug fixes, etc. Or you can do an uninstall of the game, delete all that is left, and start over. (This might be best.) Then reinstall all other mods.
  2. 1) During the game, when did the problem begin to occur? The problem started at the Black Vulkar Base. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? (1.2) Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, GOG, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam version 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? (4-CD version ONLY) Steam version 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the K1R's read-me file? Fresh install 6) What other mods have you installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Only this mod, since most of the mods I use aren't found anywhere, at the moment, but most of those are weapons, armor, and clothing mods that are either reskins, or added into the base game. And typically .tga, etc., files. Be faster to tell you what I didn't use on the following guide: KOTOR 2025 Mod Guide : The skyboxes, since I had an issue with it previously; Pazaak Tournament Fix, because I didn't feel the need to; Better Bastilia, because I have other mods for this; Easy Pazaak, because not sure of the mod, but I may use it in the future; Jedi Justice; Bastilia has battle meditation; Brotherhod of shadows; Taris Dueling Arena; Party Conversation Guarantee; and Yavin IV, since that seems to have some problems. 7) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? Entered the Vulkar Base from the sewers, with Mission and Carth, and the door to the elevator to the garage was locked, and I needed a passcard. The other error is the armory door. No way to enter that, at all. I couldn't find a passcard, and there was a Twi'lek in the office beside the armory. I let them go. 8 )Have you tried re-downloading/re-installing the mod? I have, fully, and same thing. 9) Have you tried using a different save game? I have. 10) Have you tried starting a new game? No. 11) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10, but running the game in both XP SP 3 compatibility and windows 7. 12) IF USING THE GOG OR 4CD VERSION: Can you confirm that you see the K1R Launcher when you launch the game? N/A
  3. After going through trial and error, at modding games, I have found a few things that helps me to mod games. First, NEVER allow the installer to install to Program Files, or (x86). Instead, create a clean directory, and install your game there. This gets you out of having to go through UAC crap when you want to mod a game, at all. I have my UAC turned off, but changes in the program files or x86 directories will have you going mad at some point or another, due to wanting permission to do things there. Best to avoid this mess. That is my first, and foremost, rule of thumb. Second thing, when you install your game, patch it up. After the patch is done, make an archive of the game folder as it stands. Then move that archive off to somewhere else, but handy, nonetheless. This will help in a ton of ways. You can recover quickly and easily, rather than having to reinstall the game. I am, currently, I believe, on my 4th reinstall of TSL, and RCM, and this time, making my archive copy. Ugh. Okay, once the archive is done, then it's time to do a little house keeping, and start modding. You will want to run the game, and make sure it runs. at least to the menu. This is important, I always do this first. After that, you will want to edit your ini file, as needed, to run in wide screen, etc. After that, well we can start modding With the advent of good mod managers, and Vortex especially, you may want to avail yourself of it. However, I do want to caution you in it's use. While it is a good program, I recommend caution in using it to install mods. Any mod with a setup, you will want to extract it elsewhere, and run it outside of Vortex. One nice thing about Vortex is that you can manually add your mods to it. You can drag and drop them into Vortex, right from your download folder. And Nexus does have a few decent mods there, and I do recommend supporting that site, as well, by signing up for a free account, and downloading to your heart's content from there. Okay, before going to far here, let's take a look at Vortex, and under it's hood. What you want to do is add in TSL to it. After that, you want to go to settings. I hate how this are set, so I change my stuff up. And it helps to save space. Okay, once you are done setting it up, now you can mod. And that, I am going to say look for the guides on modding, and follow their instructions after installing the game. Remember, Program Files, and (x86), like to ask your permission to make changes, so don't put anything there that you want to make changes to. And also, have fun.
  4. Not sure this is the proper place to put this, or not. I have a weird glitch. After returning to the Admin level on Peragus, for the run to the Harbinger, I talk to Kreia, and equip her, and then level her up. After that, she disappears from view. I hit tab to go to her, or go into the equip screen, or anything, and the game crashes. I am not sure which mod it is, but I think that it could be a number of things.