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Everything posted by Strikerdes

  1. I have been playing KOTOR and TSL for nearly 10 years now and I honestly think the hate toward SW:TOR is nothing but bitterness that there was no KOTOR 3, which I don't think is fair. IMO (and I can't judge all class quests as I have only done two) but the writing and story for the sith agent was far more impressive than KOTOR 1s story, although I treasure it I do think it's slightly overrated storywise...."become jedi, find map, oh big twist you were a sith lord MUAHAHA, choose dark or light side, the end" whilst the twist was good it didn't really blow me away as it became really obvious once it was revealed. SW:TOR offers alot more than pretty much all the MMOs on the market and I think the only one that can possibly compete with it in terms of amazing storytelling and quality is guild wars 2. If less people stopped comparing it to every other mmo and took the advice of other players, sat down and enjoyed the amazing storytelling of SW:TOR, less people would be angry about the lack of KOTOR 3. I was so salty and bitter when it was revealed but after diving into it and really making an effort to learn every aspect of the game, I'm honestly obsessed haha! I'm not saying you need to like it Original poster, I'm just saying you should try and give it another chance, because the writing is absolutely fantastic
  2. Awesome, is this being made compatible with TSLRCM?
  3. Okay so I'm new, Hi I just wanted to ask some questions about TSLRCM, because I don't believe it's installed correctly. I've had quite a bit of new content added, but also a'lot of ingame content has gone aswell.. There was no changes on telos or Peragus, I don't know if there was meant to be new content, so if there wasn't then fine haha. On Nar-shaddaa I'm sure there was a scene where Zez Kai-ell bursts through the hideout with his saber wielded, that was gone. No new content on onderon or Dxun. Korriban, I'll have to check again in my next run through, but seeing as I can't remember anything new, I'm pretty sure there was nothing. Malachor V was an absolute bug fest for me- The video where you crash land on the surface didn't play The part where you play as Bao Dur's droid didn't happen When I entered the academy I had the screen go black Traya said to Sion I would choose the fate of my friends (which I noticed was new) but I chose nothing, I don't know if there was something special I was meant to do, but whatever it was didn't happen. The scene where my party members surround Traya never happened. Atton and Sion's battle never happened. The telos polar academy (second time) was very buggy aswell, Atris didn't have the Shroud on, when I eventually killed her with the exile the first time, she ran off to her room, but she suddenly teleported back infront of me, her quaters were locked and I couldn't finish the scene (luckily I have the band that lets you open doors ) Now I think this may all be my fault, I got very confused with the instructions to install the USM compatible patch, so I'll tell you how I did it and maybe you can tell me if I went wrong... I installed USM then TSLRCM 1.6 then I put all the USM files into the tslpatcher in the compatible patches tslpatcher folder then I installed it USM works perfectly, just this TSLRCM doesn't If anyone could assist me I would be truly grateful. Also If I was to upgrade to 1.7+unofficial patch, do I install them both, then reinstall the USM patch? Thanks in advance
  4. Hooray! Thanks alot I only signed up too ask how to fix this and I find it straight away