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About Leoneros

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Good job with the translation RevanStar11, but I would have translated those differently =/ "Accès au Log 253-14: Mise à jour du Capteur Sonique" Indeed the word Log may not be French in origin, but many people still use it, especially when working in IT The first line is good, but for the second I would have gone with "Ceci vous permet de débuter la production de masse d’unités HK-51." to avoid repetitions. If i understand completly the original text, your are removing your own core from those units, so you need to make it apparent in French that the core is, in fact, yours. "Vous avez retiré votre centre comportemental des unités HK-51" Little confusion of times here. Past tense is incorrect. "L'usine ne peut être désactivée tant que le centre comportemental des HK-50 est installé." I also assumed that the core that was mentionned was still the same behavior core. If not, then this translation should be more accurate : "L'usine ne peut être désactivée tant que le coeur des HK-50 est installé." Little confusion in the translation for those two statements, i already modified the quote to avoid rewriting the entire text. Wrong use of past tense again, should be : [La fermeture de l’usine est impossible tant que les HK-51 disposent de votre centre de comportement] Little mixup in the order of words up here, should be : [Cependant, il peut être avantageux de produire en masse cette unité HK très efficace.] "Pour fermer l’usine, vous devez d’abord arrêter les lignes actives de production de chaque type actif de droïde." is closer to the original line. "De plus, si la ligne principale est arrêtée, toutes les lignes de secours seront automatiquement activées." is better since it is implied that they may be more than one secondary line.