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Everything posted by AttonsGirl

  1. KotOR 1, hands down. KotOR 2 just seemed . . . empty to me. The darker plot is intriguing, I'll admit, except that I don't play Star Wars for darker plots. But all that aside, I never felt any sense of real resolution, even with TSLRCM. That's one big reason I was excited for Malachor VI (I hope it gets finished one day, it looked so great). Another big thing that bugged me about TSL was the voice acting. Atton was a very well written character, but Nicky Katt is nowhere near the actor that Raphael Sbarge is. (my name would've actually been CarthsGirl if I had realized when I signed up that this wasn't just a TSL forum . . . then again, it's a dumb name either way . . .) But basically, TSL felt weird and unfinished. I never did quite figure out how Kreia planned to destroy the Force or where my character made her big choice. And Malachor was a ghost town with no real explanations of what exactly happened to some of your crew you've been investing in the whole game. Comparing unmodded games, I would never recommend TSL. Comparing the unmodded KotOR 1 with TSLRCM, I still say KotOR 1 is better, but TSL can be enjoyable.
  2. Awesome video! I love Atton's reskin, and the reanimation makes the dialogue feel much more natural than in TSLRCM. Can't wait for this mod.
  3. Hey, I'll take an update that says nothing is happening over no updates at all. Take as long as you need, we'll still be here.
  4. AttonsGirl


    Hey, I just came back for the first time in a while and realized that my account was one of those accidentally deleted. So this is my new account (with the exact same name as the old one). Anyway, I've noticed that requests tend to get lost in this thread. So I was wondering if someone with a post on the first page who didn't have their account accidentally deleted could turn it into some sort of update post that keeps track of the requests and whether they've been taken on by someone or not. That way modders don't have to wade through the whole thread to find something they can try, and it will be easy for requesters to check and see if their mod has already been requested. I can't do it because my account was deleted (and my first post was on page two, anyway), but if anyone wants to try, it's an idea.