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File Reviews posted by LewokGuy

  1. End Game Free Roam

       741    7

    Mod definitely works as explained in Description. Great if you want to complete any unfinished quests, but I would recommend maybe adding an update to this mod so you regain any lost party members. (I.E. Mission, Jolee, Carth, etc. Anyone you could possibly lose before the ending.) Some quests need these characters, like Xor needs Juhani from what I have interpreted from others.

    Also like the mod says in the description, install before a new playthrough or on Taris. I tested on my finished playthrough and once you have finished the story, you get teleported to the Ebon Hawk, but the credits music plays in the background and the screen only has 1/4 of what would normally be shown.

    5 Star mod otherwise.

    1. Ok so there is a way to fix the credits Ebon Hawk issue, by saving the game with esc and using the arrow keys to save and exit. 

    2. Could it be edited so Dantooine can be visited again? Also could taris be added to the galaxy map? It's not really "free roam" if you can't freely roam to all the planets in the game.

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