un bon fricot

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Everything posted by un bon fricot

  1. I had assumed the animation metadata is imported by KotorBlender from the model files somehow, I'm just having trouble seeing it all in the UI. Here are the three big things I'd like to do, animation-wise: Add new holograms to the Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle. Animate picking up gizka / failing to pick up gizka. Change the dancing in the Lyn Sekla audition, increasing the number of dancing animations if possible. I assume the first one is feasible because the holograms are just planes with animated textures. The second one would, I assume, involve adding a new stunt animation in a conversation. I'm not sure whether the third is feasible or not: scripts like k_ptar_dancenear.ncs seem to queue the relevant animation with ActionPlayAnimation, but I don't know whether the integer argument is an index into a hardcoded array or something we're able to change.
  2. Ah, thank you for the explanation. It turns out I wasn't seeing any animations because I never looked past frame 55. Sorry for all the questions, but I'm really confused by having all of the animations right there on the same timeline. How do I indicate whether a keyframe is part of a new animation? How do I edit the name of an animation, or set the name of a new one? How do I indicate that the duration of an existing animation has changed? How can I tell how far the game will move the root when the animation plays, e.g. with the gizka hopping animation?
  3. Thank you very much! This is all very helpful. I think most of my ideas for mods are non-starters unless I can animate. Am I understanding correctly that KotorBlender, even seedharta's fork, is not currently able to do this? Are there plans to add this feature? Are there obstacles that mean it will never happen? If I have to add this feature myself, would I be able to look at the source of a GMax-targeting tool, in order to see how it might be done? Or maybe documentation on the mdl and mdx formats? On the musical sting, I'm referring to how the music changes when, for example, Kreia wakes up to scold you for the first time. I might be misinterpreting what is actually happening there, but it had me under the impression that you could replace the background music at certain nodes in a conversation.
  4. Hi, I am new to modding KoTOR. Can anyone point me towards information on the following subjects? I've been able to find more general tutorials, but after reading them I still don't know how to accomplish these specific tasks, or even whether I have all the right tools. I apologize if this isn't the most focused thread: I figured this would be better than making three. How do I test my mod in-game? Is there a convenient way of putting an affected module at the start of the game? If I change something twenty hours into the game, can I use a save point from just before then to see the change? How can I avoid making changes that will corrupt this savegame. If my mod makes a global change, do I have no choice but to start a new game and play the whole thing? How do I add or edit animations using Blender? Where can I find the latest version of KotorBlender and MDLEdit (or do I want MDLOps)? Is KotorBlender compatible with Blender 3's addon system? Why do the game models have these weird boxes rather than actual bones? It looks like the ASCII itself has animation data, so how do I see these animations in Blender? Once I've exported my edits from Blender, and converted everything back to binary, how do I put it in the game? How do I add a new line of voiced dialogue? I know some of the audio is stored with slightly nonstandard headers and extensions. Do I need to recreate these nonstandard headers in order to add audio? Do I need a specific sample rate and format, or will the engine handle 32kHz wavs/mp3s? Does all my new dialogue live in override/StreamVoice/? I realize I need DLGEdit, rather than KotOR Tool, to edit .dlg files without mangling them. However, my understanding of .dlg files is that they don't contain dialogue, they only contain references to offsets in dialog.tlk. So, what do I use for editing dialog.tlk? I saw some .lip files while messing around with the KotOR tool. I'm guessing I need to generate lipsync information at build time, so how do I do that? I noticed some lines in TSL cause a musical sting to play. Is this accomplished through scripting? Does KoTOR1's scripting have this feature?