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About GrandMoffPenguiny

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. This is AMAZING. @Blue, you have done a great thing. I am hugely impressed by your dedication to this, and the fact that it is still in development. I am going to GIT it ASAP and see if I can contribute somewhere. And if not, you at least have my sincerest appreciation and admiration for taking it on. I will take a look at the code, but one of the things that has always bothered me in the games (since I bought them at release a million years ago) is the timing. Good example from your most recent update - in between the attack/parry animations there is a long pause. I'm guessing that game ticks are tied to RT clock ticks in order to keep everything visible (and to give the player the ability to interact in a real combat situation,) or else the animations have dead time built in. It would be neat to see if there was a simple way to make it more fluid - pull out idle frames or idle ticks, or decouple the clock from the animation.