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About Myrthian

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. My game movie of Kotor 1 is already several months old, but as I'm currently browsing for Kotor 2 mods I though I might as well drop the link as this very site is the home of Kotor modding, and I play heavily modded.
  2. View File Kotor companion tweaks A few character adjustments to better fit the classes and default skillset/gear they have. Carth: dual-wielding ranged soldier - Removed: Power Attack - Added: Rapid Shot - Removed: Specialization: Blaster Pistol To ensure he only has 1 lvl 4 feat in Improved Two-Weapon Fighting - Removed: 1 point in Repair -> 0 Repair - Added: 2 points in Demolition -> 2 Demolition A soldier with 1 point each in cross-class skills is just weird The point in Security makes sense to some degree, as he's the commanding officer on the Endar Spire Mission: ranged/melee scoundrel hybrid As every other companion has pretty clear-cut use-cases Mission will therefore become a true hybrid to spice things up, but even then playing a backstabbing scoundrel is way too awkward in Kotor - Removed: 2 INT points -> 12 INT - Removed: 2 DEX points -> 14 DEX - Added: 4 STR -> 14 STR - Added 1 WIS -> 12 WIS Mission is a smart girl Being a rogue and having Scoundrel's Luck + Sneak Attack has to be offset by not adjusting HP and CON Zaalbar: face-tank melee - Removed: Improved Power Attack, as scouts don't get a feat at lvl 4 Bastilla: Jedi Sentinel - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol It always struck me as odd that Kotor Jedis have blaster training - Removed: 2 DEX -> 16 DEX - Added: 2 STR -> 14 STR - Removed: 3 CHA -> 12 CHA - Added: 2 CON -> 14 CON As a force/melee hybrid she should actually have the stats for it Jolee: Jedi Consular - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol - Removed: 2 DEX -> 14 DEX - Removed: 1 WIS -> 14 WIS - Removed: 1 CHA -> 14 CHA Too many overall points by default, and as a consular his focus should be the force Juhani: Jedi Guardian - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol - Added: Flurry More choices for melee - Removed: 2 WIS -> 10 WIS - Removed: 1 CHA -> 12 CHA - Removed: 2 INT -> 12 INT - Added: 3 STR -> 16 STR A melee build with force on the side Canderous: yet another ranged soldier - Removed: Power Attack - Removed: 2 WIS -> 12 - Removed: 1 STR -> 14 STR - Addded: 3 DEX -> 15 DEX HK-47: ranged meatbag assassin - Added: Rapid Shot He was 1 feat short for being a lvl 6 combat droid - Removed: 4 STR -> 12 STR - Added: 2 DEX -> 16 DEX - Added: 2 CON -> 12 CON Compatibility: - As far as I understand it tweaking character stats without touching anything else should be pretty compatible with everything - I reckon it should work just fine with K1R, but as I did a test playthrough with the community patch instead of K1R I flagged it as no just to be safe Submitter Myrthian Submitted 09/06/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    A few character adjustments to better fit the classes and default skillset/gear they have. Carth: dual-wielding ranged soldier - Removed: Power Attack - Added: Rapid Shot - Removed: Specialization: Blaster Pistol To ensure he only has 1 lvl 4 feat in Improved Two-Weapon Fighting - Removed: 1 point in Repair -> 0 Repair - Added: 2 points in Demolition -> 2 Demolition A soldier with 1 point each in cross-class skills is just weird The point in Security makes sense to some degree, as he's the commanding officer on the Endar Spire Mission: ranged/melee scoundrel hybrid As every other companion has pretty clear-cut use-cases Mission will therefore become a true hybrid to spice things up, but even then playing a backstabbing scoundrel is way too awkward in Kotor - Removed: 2 INT points -> 12 INT - Removed: 2 DEX points -> 14 DEX - Added: 4 STR -> 14 STR - Added 1 WIS -> 12 WIS Mission is a smart girl Being a rogue and having Scoundrel's Luck + Sneak Attack has to be offset by not adjusting HP and CON Zaalbar: face-tank melee - Removed: Improved Power Attack, as scouts don't get a feat at lvl 4 Bastilla: Jedi Sentinel - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol It always struck me as odd that Kotor Jedis have blaster training - Removed: 2 DEX -> 16 DEX - Added: 2 STR -> 14 STR - Removed: 3 CHA -> 12 CHA - Added: 2 CON -> 14 CON As a force/melee hybrid she should actually have the stats for it Jolee: Jedi Consular - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol - Removed: 2 DEX -> 14 DEX - Removed: 1 WIS -> 14 WIS - Removed: 1 CHA -> 14 CHA Too many overall points by default, and as a consular his focus should be the force Juhani: Jedi Guardian - Removed: Proficiency: Blaster Pistol - Added: Flurry More choices for melee - Removed: 2 WIS -> 10 WIS - Removed: 1 CHA -> 12 CHA - Removed: 2 INT -> 12 INT - Added: 3 STR -> 16 STR A melee build with force on the side Canderous: yet another ranged soldier - Removed: Power Attack - Removed: 2 WIS -> 12 - Removed: 1 STR -> 14 STR - Addded: 3 DEX -> 15 DEX HK-47: ranged meatbag assassin - Added: Rapid Shot He was 1 feat short for being a lvl 6 combat droid - Removed: 4 STR -> 12 STR - Added: 2 DEX -> 16 DEX - Added: 2 CON -> 12 CON Compatibility: - As far as I understand it tweaking character stats without touching anything else should be pretty compatible with everything - I reckon it should work just fine with K1R, but as I did a test playthrough with the community patch instead of K1R I flagged it as no just to be safe
  4. I had to play from the start as I had no prior saves before going down, but after removing p_jolee001.utc the cutscene went back to normal and I could progress further. On the plus side I made my own companion tweaks which I will upload once I've finished the game.
  5. Yes, it's that mod, and no, moving anything related to Jolee out of Override doesn't do anything, even if I start from a save where I've used the lift to get up top again. Any other ideas how I can just skip this cutscene and try to progress that way? Save:
  6. Quite a few mods installed: Through the mention of Jolee I found this: I'm currently trying those suggestions, but it seems K1R is the culprit.
  7. I hear battle music, and the cutscene is exactly like on the screenshot.
  8. I have no idea how to progress further: used the elevator to get down, killed Calo, and just a short distance further this cutscene plays, but nothing is happening + I can't skip it.
  9. I have no idea about coding, but would it really require a complete re-write of the AI? The default attack script has to have something like "Use the default attack mode" somewhere among its decision tree(s), so wouldn't it be sufficient to just replace that with the desired attack mode, e.g. Flurry, and leaving everything else untouched?
  10. Is there a simple fix or mod to adjust the default attack mode? If I e.g. use Flurry as my main attack on my PC, but I switch to companions + my prepared commands for my PC have been executed the attack mode goes back to the default one, which really annoys me. The same applies when the current target dies, and everyone just goes back to using the default attack. Scope: I just want a simple choice of "Companion A uses attack mode B instead of the default attack".