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Files posted by JumpStationZ

  1. maverick187's Ion Hold Out Blaster

    Ion Hold Out Blaster; modeled and skinned by: maverick187
    Creation date: May 20th, 2005
    PART I: Introduction (prt1)
    The Ion Hold Out Blaster is a completely new model blaster and not only does it have a unique texture to it, but it also fires ion blaster bolts. (they're blue).  That being said this also means that a couple of .2da files had to be edited and we all know how much of a pain that can be, however I have tried to keep the .2da files compatible with the other mods out there. *Note* To view the readme as it was intended line up the dashes to match the width of the notepad screen.
    PART II: Table of Contents (prt2)
    PART I      -   Introduction (prt1)                        
    PART II     -   Table of Contents (prt2)
    PART III    -   Features (prt3)
    PART IV     -   Installation (prt4)
    PART V      -   Uninstallation (prt5)
    PART VI     -   In-Game Placement (prt6)
    PART VII    -   Bugs (prt7)
    PART VIII   -   Acknowledgements and Credits (prt8)
    PART IX     -   Item Cheat Codes (prt9)
    PART X      -   Screenshots (prt10)
    PART III: Features (prt3)
    * All new Hold Out Blaster model complete with texture
    * Updated mavsitems.2da file for those using my "Mav's Shop & Workbench" mod
    * NEW BLUE blaster bolts, the Ion blaster features Ion bolts
    PART IV: Installation (prt4)
    To install the mod extract all of these files into the override folder, if you are prompted to overwrite the "mavsitems.2da" do so.  However, if you are prompted to overwrite "ammunitiontypes.2da" or "baseitems.2da" refer below:
    If you are prompted to overwrite ammunitiontypes.2da do not do it, instead open you current ammunitiontypes.2da file with Kotor Tool & in a new window open the ammunitiontypes.2da file that comes pack with this mod.
    Now copy down Row label 6 character for character and copy that into a new row of the ammunitiontypes.2da file in your override, take note of the new (row label) e.g. in my file it is row 6, again take note of this number you will need it later.
    If you are prompted to overwrite the baseitems.2da file than refer to this list of compatibilities first:
    -Darkkender's Segan Wyndh armor: line 104
    -USM inserts: line 105 and 106 *note* these lines have been reserved for the USM, you will have to input the line info in here when the USM is released
    -Drakkonen's Jedi vs. Sith armors: line 107
    -ChAiNz.2da's Darksword: line 108
    -Prime's Jedi Armor's line 109 and 110
    --VERY IMPORTANT NOTE regarding Prime's lines, these were not his original lines the row numbers have been changed for compatibilities sake, to make the armors compatible with this baseitems.2da file you will need to edit the armor's .uti files.

    Line 111 is my Ion Hold Out Blaster, so copy this line character for character into your current baseitems.2da file if you are not going to overwrite.  *NOTE* if you edited the ammunitiontypes.2da file and changed the row number this is why I told you to take note of it.  In the line of my Ion Hold Out Blaster in the baseitems.2da file look for the "ammunitiontype" column and type the number of the row that you took note of on the ammunitiontypes.2da file.  Take note of the new baseitems.2da row number. e.g. mine is 111
    Place your new ammunitiontypes.2da and baseitems.2da files into your override folder.
    You now need to edit the w_mavhld_01.uti file, open up Kotor Tool go into Tools-->Options... click the "Other" tab and check the box that says, "look in games override folder"
    Now Open up the w_mavhld_01.uti file with Kotor Tool, in the baseitems scroll down, scroll all the way to the bottom, it should say Hold Out Blaster, select it and save the file, place in your override, you should be set.
    PART V: Uninstall (prt5)
    This is a lot easier than installation, just remove the files from your override folder.
    PART VI: In-Game Placement (prt6)
    For in-game placement without the need for cheating you will need to have the following mod already installed.
    Also make sure that the mavsitems.2da file from THIS mod is in your override folder
    PART VII: Bugs (prt7)
    If installed correctly there should be no bugs, the poly count is sort of high so low-end PC's may run slower, but I doubt it.
    Report problems to myself: maverick187 at Holowan Labs
    PART VIII: Acknowledgements (prt8)
    T7nowhere: Thanks for helping me to start modding and thanks for the help figuring out how to change the color of the blaster bolts.  And for the Ion idea.
    stoffe -mkb-: Thanks for helping me figure out how to create a new line in ammunitions.2da and use it for the baseitems.2da to make a new blaster.
    tylerjk: Thanks for bringing up the "different color lasers" topic, which gave me this idea.
    Mono_Giganto: Thanks for being my gun modeling Guru and for all of the constructive criticism, without all of your help my gun would look a lot worse
    svösh: Ah, Master svösh, you have more modeling wisdom than Yoda himself. Thanks for imparting some of that wisdom upon me, as well as the rust tips. Thanks Master svösh
    tk102: Thanks for KSE, it sure helps a lot in testing.
    Fred Tetra:  Thanks for Kotor Tool, KotOR modding would be lost without it
    cchargin: Thanks for mdlOPS, making new models possible every day.
    Holowan Labs: My online home, thanks go out to everyone who has helped me.
    PART IX: Item Cheat Code (prt9)
    giveitem w_mavhld_o1
    NOTE FROM JUMPSTATIONZ ARCHIVIST: This mod – like most of the mods in the JumpStationZ Archive - has not been tested recently.  (Note the creation date above precedes both K1CP and K1R.)  If you download and install this mod, you assume all risk.  Additionally, you may note that this mod has no screenshots other than the old JumpStationZ logo and the title of the mod.  Feel free to include screenshots with your review if you feel moved to.


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