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Everything posted by 13ack.Stab

  1. 13ack.Stab

    Hey :)

    Ah, a fellow lurker! Welcome. lurklurklurk
  2. He's attacking something beyond our field of view. Behind him and to his left (our right) are some ruins of unknown origin (potentially Xel'Naga). Did you interpret the ruins as being in front of him (and, therefore, his enemy)?
  3. Actually, you were correct; you do receive your original lightsaber in TSLRCM (Hunter Hassat confirmed this in this thread a short while back).
  4. KOTOR and KOTOR 2 have always hated ATI cards. Besides, the game is quite old; it won't be able to recognize most modern-day graphics cards (though it should run on them without any issue; the game runs perfectly on my four ATI Radeon 5800s). I would try rolling your video card drivers back a version or three. Use DriverSweeper to remove your current ones, and then install the older drivers. Also, see if you can install KOTOR 2 on a different computer (and patch it and whatnot) to test whether your disc has gone wonky, or if it's something else. Regards, -13ack.Stab
  5. Hey, RPGenius. Try turning off the Catalyst AI and the CrossfireX feature (more important than the AI) in the ATI's Command Center; the game may not support multiple GPUs. Also, have you patched the game to 1.0b? If so, did you patch it before you installed TSLRCM? If you answered 'no' to the above two questions, I would reinstall the game, install the 1.0b patch ( found here: http://www.lucasarts.com/support/update/kotor2.html ), and then install TSLRCM 1.7. You should also install Hunter Hassat's Unofficial TSLRCM 1.7 fix if you haven't already: http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/12-tslrcm-17-unofficial-fix/ Otherwise, I would make a backup of all the KOTOR2 stuff you want to keep (mods, saves, etc.), and reinstall the game; that definitely sounds like something wrong occurred during the installation. Again, the install process is as follows: KOTOR 2, Official Patch 1.0b, TSLRCM 1.7, TSLRCM 1.7 Unofficial Fix. Regards, -13ack.Stab
  6. Word. Thanks for the welcome.
  7. Hey, guys. I figured that, since there are bound to be a few anime fans out there, I'd start up an 'anime reviews' topic. My intentions behind this list are to spread my love for anime around; I plan to cater to both the anime virgins and the anime veterans. As a result, I will review both mainstream and underground anime; stick around and you're bound to find some keepers. If you don't appreciate anime (or hate it with every cell of your being), please don't create a post saying so; I would like to keep this topic as clean as possible. Additionally, please don't post your own recommendations in this thread. If you have any questions, comments, recommendations (or even death threats & marriage proposals), feel free to shoot me a PM - I'll get back to you as soon as I can. How to properly watch anime: I'm probably going to take a lot of flak for this brief section, but I believe that anime should be watched in a certain way. This section consists entirely of my own opinions and experience; you're entirely welcome to ignore my advice here and skip straight to the reviews. However, keep in mind that I strongly, strongly recommend following the following guidelines for maximum pleasure.
  8. 13ack.Stab

    Fear Me

    Hey, suckers. I figured I'd drop by and steal some of Hassat's pr0n colle--err, mods. I've always been desperately attracted to RPGs (in the most gay way possible, of course), so it makes sense that I love the KOTOR universe. I had always been under the impression that KOTOR 2 was a rushed product, and, therefore, had large quantities of unfinished content; you can't believe how relieved I am to have found out about TSLRCM. I'm also an avid anime watcher; shoutout to those in the know! I guess I lost my anime virginity to Dragon Ball Z, Rurouni Kenshin (the manga), and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Since then, I've watched more anime series than I'm able to count to, and have even splurged on all three levels of Japanese in Rosetta Stone. I've yelled in rage with some anime, laughed hysterically with/at others, and have even shed a manly tear or two at times. Any-who, I'm sure you'll catch me lurking in the forums pretty often hijacking your threads with completely unrelated things or geeking out over something entirely obscure. See you suckers around. P.S. Yeah, so my name on the interwebz is 13ack.Stab. I've been using that alias for years, and haven't bothered to change it. Get over it.
  9. You must also be strongly aligned to either the light or the dark side, in addition to being level 15. Perform more good/evil deeds and then return to Kreia.