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Everything posted by cdstephens

  1. Any reason why the neck massage bit isn't restored?
  2. Ah OK. Wasn't sure if it just wasn't implemented or my game was bugging out.
  3. I've noticed that the HK-50 droids in vanilla all blow up (something to do with proton cores I believe, as one of them explained at the factor), but none of the ones added in self destruct. Is this a feature that will be implemented in the future, or is it just ignored for some reason?
  4. Hehe, I actually was lightside but did a few dark actions on the way to gain influence with everyone; as a result, HK is now lightside for me XD. Just wondering, is the special HK armor and assassin rifle I got at the droid factory always there each playthrough? And I've also heard online that the sound files suggest that HK and the HK-50s could destroy the Remote instead.
  5. Ah OK, yeah I just rescued the Exile and it's all good now. I'm guessing there's no easy way to fix it then; well, at least it's only temporary. As a side note, is it me, or until I rescued my Exile were the opponents really hard, specifically the ones put into this mod? XD
  6. I'm on Nar Shaddaa doing the parts where I play as Atton and other characters. The entire time I've noticed that Atton has severely less experience than my other characters; Mira has 128176 XP whereas Atton only has 101885 XP. This places him two levels lower. If I had to guess the problem, it would be that for some reason having him as the "playable character" for a while messed up his XP gains that I got from the Jekk Jekk Tarr and Visquis's base. Anyone else having this issue? It makes it extremely hard because I don't want to level Mira up too much on account of her turning into a Jedi later on, so both Mira and Atton are underleveled. Plus I'm not sure if this will stay like this for the rest of the game.
  7. Same voice actor actually, from what I've heard. Actor's probably higher pitched because a) voices change a little from game to game (compare HK in KOTOR 1 to KOTOR 2) and protecting Revan's junk is srs bsns, and c) HK is just about ready to wipe the group with homicidal glee. Kinda hard to base it on 3 words.
  8. Well, first off it's BW writing the story for TOR. They kinda made Revan, and are awesome with story, so.... Secondly, they're not retconning anything in KOTOR I or II at all. Kreia wasn't really trustworthy anyways, and all her thoughts were just her own speculation after all. I do kinda agree that I would rather have some of Revan's fate be left a mystery...unfortunately, considering BW's new trailer, Star Wars: The Old Republic | Trailers, I doubt this will be the case. Also note that while they were making KOTOR 3, they were still planning on making a Sith Empire, but instead of the current one, Naga Sadow's I think /blatant and unashamed BW fanboy
  9. Was it with both the PC and Xbox version (played the Xbox version first). I never really noticed (never messed with Hanharr or Mandalore really anyways). Glad to see bug fixes were dealt with.
  10. Nice to see another TOR fan. XD I'll definitely take a look at this after I get through the Restored Content mod.
  11. Thanks for the quick reply! Glad to see it's minor stuff, didn't really want the influence system messed with. It was one of the few things that I think OE got dead on besides a few bugs here and there (HK), although I really wish Bao-dur had more conversational influence options...XP Can't wait to play this...just hoping KOTOR 2 works with Windows 7 (if not, I found directions to make it work).
  12. Kreia is through and through a Sith. Before the Rule of Two is established, you can't really be "exiled" from the Sith Order. It's a kill or be killed business, and your not really initiated as your are in the Jedi Order. Saying she isn't Sith is like saying Darth Krayt isn't Sith. Her personality, her teachings, her beliefs, and her actions all point to her being a Sith. I've seen some people a while back on different forums argue that Revan isn't a Sith either, which is now known to not be true. BW's TOR puts this in a new light; a lot of people thought of Revan as a "fake" Sith of sorts, due to Kreia describing the Sith in the Unknown Regions as the "True Sith". This is of course nullified by the fact that Revan and Malak were sent by the Sith Emperor to conquer the Republic, so for all intends and purposes they were Sith. Yes, this also means that Kreia was dead wrong when she was hero worshiping Revan and proclaiming he never really fell to the dark side, but only did so for the greater good. Revan for the most part was a pawn; first he was a pawn of the Emperor, and then he was a pawn of the Jedi. Perhaps Revan had different motives in mind when conquering the Republic; he may have planned to turn against the Emperor. There is barely any evidence suggesting he would do such a thing besides the fact that the Sith betray each other all the time (see Malak vs. Revan). If Revan were going to betray the Emperor, it would have been for selfish reasons, not to "save" the Galaxy. Interesting to note that Revan was never really proven to be a strategic genius; beat the Mandalorians when he outnumbered them 5 to 1. Kudos. It's also important to note that Kreia is a compulsive liar (Lord of Betrayal....). Anything she says should be taken with a grain of salt because she's a Sith. <<< This guy spends way too much time on the TOR forums.
  13. Does this mod add, take away, or change already existing situations and conversations that allow the player to gain/lose influence?
  14. cdstephens


    Considering this is a mod, I wouldn't think there would be a walkthrough (new here btw). However, there is a list of restored content here, (that you've probably already seen) if that helps.