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About MilesTeg81

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. uhm, I'm pretty sure this mod is compatible with most (if not all) other mods. It's a simple texture replacement and android specific ^^
  2. well, for the time being: TOCs by Darth333, Canderis, T7nowhere and tk102 from Holowan Labs/Lucasforums (via waybackmachine): General Tools & Tutorials: Modelling, Skinning/Texturing: Modding Tools (T3-M4's Astromech Droid Center) There's also a TOC in T3-M4's Astromech Droid Center listing all tools: Most links will be dead anyway, but it gives a nice overview/ a place to start hunting them down. .2da Tutorials Scripting Tutorials That's at least better than navigating Lucasforums' archive by hand (esp. on mobile).
  3. Yup, that's already finished and will be my next release. It's a simple fix and won't touch actual gui-files (haven't figured them out yet), so textlines still cover the view a bit. 😁
  4. View File AndroidK1 ImmersiveHUD ImmersiveHUD (or short iHUD) for Android-KotOR by MilesTeg --------------------------------------------- ===== Description ===== This is a simple, lightweight fix to tone down the very bright HUD. It's especially useful if your device can't handle frame buffer graphic effects (=unable to adjust brigthness). I mostly adjusted the alpha channels to add nearly full transparency (reduce brightness of GUI elements). Additionally, I've adjusted HUD-Elements for dialog scenes. Now, while choosing answers you can see your own player character instead of a huge blue menu blocking the view. Requirenments: You'll need 1 MB additional internal storage How-To Mod your Android-KotOR: ===== Installation & Usage ===== Like every mod for android you simply extract and copy all files from ''iHUD-mod/'' and/or ''/iDialog-mod/'' to ''/Android/data/com.aspyre.swkotor/files/override/'' (if not present, create an override folder). Restart KotOR and enjoy the game Uninstall: Delete files from override. ===== File contents ===== iHUD-mod - mod files for your android-override dir iDialog-mod - mod files for your android-override dir for modders: screens - screenshots + visual info source - extracted sourcefiles (see textfiles) - If anyone wants to fiddle with it. (See screens for more information about what each file does) for modders: screens - screenshots + visual info source - extracted sourcefiles (see textfiles) - If anyone wants to fiddle with it. (See screens for more information about what each file does) ===== Credits / Reuse content ===== You may use this mod for any non commercial use and without contacting me. Thx to **KOTOR-Tool by FredTetra **Xoreos Tools **Reddituser u/Rasral123 for his great tutorial Big thanks to Obsidian and Bioware for this great game. THX Aspyr for this solid game port! ===== Changelog ===== v1.5 added iDialog (Dialog-Menu doesn't block your view) v1.0 release 28/04/2019 Submitter MilesTeg81 Submitted 04/27/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  5. Version 1.5


    ImmersiveHUD (or short iHUD) for Android-KotOR by MilesTeg --------------------------------------------- ===== Description ===== This is a simple, lightweight fix to tone down the very bright HUD. It's especially useful if your device can't handle frame buffer graphic effects (=unable to adjust brigthness). I mostly adjusted the alpha channels to add nearly full transparency (reduce brightness of GUI elements). Additionally, I've adjusted HUD-Elements for dialog scenes. Now, while choosing answers you can see your own player character instead of a huge blue menu blocking the view. Requirenments: You'll need 1 MB additional internal storage How-To Mod your Android-KotOR: ===== Installation & Usage ===== Like every mod for android you simply extract and copy all files from ''iHUD-mod/'' and/or ''/iDialog-mod/'' to ''/Android/data/com.aspyre.swkotor/files/override/'' (if not present, create an override folder). Restart KotOR and enjoy the game Uninstall: Delete files from override. ===== File contents ===== iHUD-mod - mod files for your android-override dir iDialog-mod - mod files for your android-override dir for modders: screens - screenshots + visual info source - extracted sourcefiles (see textfiles) - If anyone wants to fiddle with it. (See screens for more information about what each file does) for modders: screens - screenshots + visual info source - extracted sourcefiles (see textfiles) - If anyone wants to fiddle with it. (See screens for more information about what each file does) ===== Credits / Reuse content ===== You may use this mod for any non commercial use and without contacting me. Thx to **KOTOR-Tool by FredTetra **Xoreos Tools **Reddituser u/Rasral123 for his great tutorial Big thanks to Obsidian and Bioware for this great game. THX Aspyr for this solid game port! ===== Changelog ===== v1.5 added iDialog (Dialog-Menu doesn't block your view) v1.0 release 28/04/2019
  6. Hi I'm searching for the GUI file regarding HUD selection of NPCs/ enemies. (see pic, the red/blue health bar & Name of NPC) Healthbars graphics are enemy_bar.tga/ enemy_bar.tga but I wanted to change the geometry of these elements 😕 Thx & Kind regards Miles