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Everything posted by Obiwannabe

  1. Currently playing 1.7 my character is DS, I don't know if this is a bug ( but I've tried so many save and load, still no success ) ? Anyway, this how it goes - after I finished the Ravager. Autosave . Then I end up in Telos, small talk with the TSF Officer and then to Carth ( talk about Revan ). After Carth and Bastilla talked w/ each other. The cinematic of the Ebon Hawk arriving at Malanchor, then Loading. Kreia walk past the Sith Assassins, then Deads.. then she walked to Sion.. talk talk.. then the screen became all black, the last thing I saw was Sion saying "Why have you returned?.." something like that.. then another cinematic came up.. The Ebon Hawk crashing through the mountains.. then another black screen with Kreia's subtitle lines... then all black.. I tried pressing "M" then the map shows up with a white rectangle.. when I press "X" I hear a lightsaber wielding.. so.. that's it.. I can't continue.. IIRC after the Ebon Hawk crashed.. I must be in malanchor?.. Help anyone??
  2. Playing 1.7, trying all DS option in onderon. :D

  3. Hi, Does Daks armored robes compatible with tslcrm 1.7?? Dak's Armored Robes 2.0 Daks mentioned some of the Bugs/Incompatibilities: -Uses some of the same model slots as 90SK's "SUPER Content Mod", so some of his items will show up with my models without skins (It's only the "Jedi Tunic" model as far as I know). I personally play with both mods and it's fine with me. Just install this mod last! -Uses one of the placeable files as Kuai-Don Jorn's "Heroes of the Old Republic" saber mod, so install HIS mod last. You will have to just use KSE to get the missing robes. But he didn't mention if it is compatible w/ TSLCRM 1.7. Thanks in advance
  4. Obiwannabe


    Hi to all TSL fans and moder , i'm new in here, this is a great site for tsl modding,i found this site useful for kotor tsl. I have a question though... Does the mod of Avol's Darth vader compatible with the tlscrm 1.7? I've looked into the mod compatibility and didn't find it there.