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Everything posted by Oaks

  1. This wont work, I already tried.
  2. Thanks I was able to do what I wanted. But I still have a problem. I want my characters to receive 0 XP but the game keeps giving me 20 XP. Any one knows how to solve this?
  3. Is there a mod that removes the audience from the dueling ring on Taris? If not, tell me the name of the module model so that I can try to remove myself.
  4. But how do I make they fade away like Malak and Bastila in TSL?
  5. Hi! I am making a mod but I still need a script for the end of the battle. I need a script that makes the enemy fade away or just walk away instead of dying. Also you cant get any xp from his defeat. Many thanks to the one that help me with this.