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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I apologize if these have been pointed out already, but here are a few off the top of my head:
  2. Yeah, I just rolled my drivers back using Device Manager in Windows. I'll update them again once I finish this KotOR 2 playthrough. Seems kinda odd that a driver from April 2011 works but a driver from April 2012 doesn't. How could that be?
  3. I did the "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" thing, yes.
  4. Hopefully this is the right section for this. So I recently built myself a new PC. It has Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium, an AMD Radeon HD 6870 graphics card, an Intel i5 2400 processor clocked at 3.1 Ghz, and 8GB of DDR3 1666 Corsair Vengeance RAM. The machine works very well with Fallout New Vegas, which I can run at "High" (4 sample AA, 8 sample Anisotropy, HDR, 1920x1080 res, etc.) KotOR 2, however, runs horribly. I installed the game according to the instructions on Lucas Forums. The game starts up fine and there are no crashes. It's the actual gameplay that is extremely laggy and low-quality. I'm positive that all of my drivers are up to date. I've done everything suggested in the "Tweak" guide. Problems occur on every possible setting, both in-game and in the AMD Catalyst Control Center application. The only thing that worked was rolling my Video Card driver back, but that's problematic since I play other games that require the latest driver. Can someone help me out?
  5. I have this same bug. I have no other mods installed. I fixed it by disabling sound, movies, and setting the texture quality to low.
  6. KotOR 2 was a lot more interesting to me. Especially at the end. KotOR1 was great, but the ending wasn't that great in my opinion.
  7. Well that Revan questline was awful. I hate Bioware/EA.
  8. I have the same problem. Very annoying. I think it's an issue with my Intel HD Graphics.
  9. I've heard that it isn't worth doing. Not sure why you would want to do that when TSLRCM 1.7 is great.
  10. Dan

    Transparent textures?

    Thanks for the response. I have an integrated Intel graphics card, so I couldn't replace it. The other sounds like a lot of work, though it seems odd that nobody has done it before and released it as a mod. EDIT: I tried it out with just w_Lghtsbr_001 and gave up because nothing was working. Eventually, I got something to happen (though I'm not sure how), and the hilt turned into a pure white color.
  11. Dan

    Xbox compatibility

    That's pretty much the same thing I did. I've had both games on the Xbox since 2005. Once TSLRP became popular, I decided to get the PC versions. Comparing them now, I would absolutely go with the PC. For me, the Xbox always crashed.
  12. Would it be possible to restore the missing TXI files?
  13. Dan

    Xbox compatibility

    I'm really not sure why anyone would prefer the Xbox version over the PC version.
  14. Dan

    Transparent textures?

    I've noticed that many of the textures in TSL are transparent. Weapons, droids, and some doors, notably. Is there a way to fix this?
  15. Dan

    Xbox compatibility

    I recall Lord of Hunger mentioning the Xbox version a while back. I doubt they've worked on it since. You should get the PC version, if you have a good enough computer that is. It's much easier to play than the Xbox.
  16. Looks like the Team Gizka website is now completely dead. What a shame...