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Everything posted by Acleacius

  1. In regard to Handmadien for Female PCs. Scripting Thread look for stoffe's posts if your interested. I saw it's on the Not Compatible List due to too many dialog changes. However, it seems like it will work without overwriting any RCM files if you don't use the dialogs. This means you can get Handmaiden and have 90% + of everything working. The exception being a few dialogs where Handmadien might call you a male, which the game mistaken does on it's own, without this mod, iirc. There is one dialog file which would be really useful and helpful to this process if RCM team could see their way to changing 10 lines at the end game dialog of Keria, 904kreia.dlg. Here is the list of lines: EntryList --> 150 --> RepliesList --> 1 --> Active = st_nohandmaiden EntryList --> 150 --> RepliesList --> 2 --> Active = st_hashandmaiden EntryList --> 153 --> RepliesList --> 0 --> Active = st_nohandmaiden EntryList --> 153 --> RepliesList --> 1 --> Active = st_hashandmaiden EntryList --> 155 --> RepliesList --> 0 --> Active = st_nohandmaiden EntryList --> 155 --> RepliesList --> 1 --> Active = st_hashandmaiden EntryList --> 157 --> RepliesList --> 0 --> Active = st_nohandmaiden EntryList --> 157 --> RepliesList --> 1 --> Active = st_hashandmaiden EntryList --> 159 --> RepliesList --> 0 --> Active = st_nohandmaiden EntryList --> 161 --> RepliesList --> 0 --> Active = st_nohandmaiden Additionally there are 3 files that are trying to overwrite. Do any of these 3 files come from RCM and how important are they? "k_enter_601.ncs" "k_hen_discipdlg.ncs" "k_sup_galaxymap.ncs" List of NEEDED files from HANDMAIDEN PARTY MEMBER OPTION FOR FEMALE EXILES currently working, without overwriting. "602disc_enc.dlg" "a_hand_pc_end.ncs" "a_handspawn.ncs" "a_kreatris.ncs" "a_load006end.ncs" "a_next_scene.ncs" "a_play_mov.ncs" "a_setup_ebo2.ncs" "disc_enc.dlg" "holorec.dlg" "k_003ebo_enter.ncs" "k_attonend.ncs" "st_chkmaidjoin.ncs" "st_setmaidjoin.ncs" It looks like it will work well atm, with the exception of the 3 files and Keria's End Game dialog. Thanks for any tips, comments or fixes for these final 4 issues.
  2. Yes, good call, though I had no idea it did anything with clothing. Maybe when they are put on different bodies they are effected in someway, differently. I guess all those items could have come off of bodies changed. There were only two stacks of clothes, so either it was two different kinds or one model (my guess) where three are bugged and three are not.
  3. Not sure if this is RCM or conflict with another mod. It seems most likely RCM, since I don't have any mods which effect basic items. The 3 sonic grenades, you find on the tech at Peragus (he removes them, per his data pad while playing T3) which are not labeled correctly. There is no description nor value to sell. There are 3 sets of clothes on Peragus (iirc) they are not labeled correctly. There is no description nor value to sell. There are 2 Vibrocutters on Peragus which have no value to sell, they are clearly worth something. There are 2 rifles on Peragus, 1 Mining Laser and 1 Heavy (Advance?) Mining Laser which have no value to sell. Additionally all these items are set to Value Breakdown of 1, these are all clearly at least as valueable as their normally counter parts. This causes them not to stack correctly either, I have two different stacks of basic Clothing, with 3 in each stack.
  4. Does anyone if it will break my Build the Lightsaber quest, e.g. not let it start correctly? Thanks. Edit: Think I see now, it only registers if you have your quest started, as far as I can tell and this makes the most sense.
  5. Sure you can use FJ, the only time it works is IN combat. You need a clear path to the target, e.g if your behind someone, it probably won't work and sure you can move during combat to make a clear path.
  6. Did a search first, with no luck and also tried looking in the "What's Restored thread". I just entered the Czerka offices for the first time after getting the quest, they are not here talking to Lorso. What should or should not happen or is there some Walkthrough for the changes? Thanks for any tips.
  7. Thanks, I thought about it, but Gray/Silver just seems much more appropriate and her alignment doesn't seem affected by the PC.
  8. Does changing the color crystal in Keria's Walking Stick break your Lightsaber assembly quest (know I can't use it)? I just don't want to break the quest because of a personal qualm about the aesthetic color for her personality. Thanks for any tips.
  9. it HaVoKeR. Good to know, Bob Ta'aar thanks.
  10. HaVoKeR I've asked about those also. I just started a game, was afraid to try all 4 without some word here. I did a manual install of the Ebon Hawk Smuggler's Compartment as the very last mod, not letting it overwrite any file. There were only two files files which conflicted, not even sure it's from RCM, when I get to the Ebon Hawk I will report what I found. Atm, just hit level 2, so defiantly an hour or two away. I sure hope someone takes a look at these 4 mods. Oh I just realized one of the two conflicting files must have been from RCM, one relocates the Med Lab to Medical, which RCM does, iirc.
  11. I must have the wrong file or I am losing my mind, when I install tslrcm17.exe first, after there is a Appearance.2da. DOH! Oddly, I was going to edit it myself, was trying to add svösh's HK-47 skin but the line he says to edit if you have a Appearance.2da is envmap does seem to be the same in his, after your patch. Thanks for your help.
  12. If there is an Appearance.2da in the Override will RCM actually write/update the current Appearance2da? Thanks.
  13. Thanks for checking and apologizes for being wrong. It's very surprising, no idea what would be causing the problem.
  14. The droid you play on the Ebon Hawk who has to go across the broken hull to the dormitory. Finally the third time Starting the game over I made it through by using 3D-FD. There is still a bad bug that prevents T3-M4 from going through the door. Plus if your reload your game the door closes with no way to reopen it unless you start your game over. I even went back up on the Outer Hull, to check the wires and they were activated (e.g. door should be open).
  15. Opps, posted this list in another thread, had only seen the Sticky Compatibility, didn't know there was an open posting thread. Anyone know if any of these mods would be a problem, they are some older ones mods in TSL folder? Checked the Compatibility thread first. envida Ebon Hawk Smugglers Compartment 1.3 Khoonda Lost Room 1.3 Harbinger Quarters 1.2 Lab Station Implant Factory 1.0 Wesl3y Blue Interface Goldberry2000 PC Wrist Launcher and No More G0-T0 (sort of guess no on this) Btw if anyone has used this, does it break the game,if you remove GO-TO, iirc GO-TO has end game scenes? Dak Vesser holo droid emitter band Sorry, link to the actual file doesn't seem possible, maybe I can send what I have to Filefront. Thanks for any tips or links. Edit: Giving up on Blue Interface, seem to be getting alot of crashes when doing things in the UI.
  16. Not sure this is a bug of RCM but it seems to be a bug. Prologue Dormitory door is a mess. It could be a mod I am using but no clue which it could be, as I didn't install any mod for the Prologue afaik. What happens is even if I get the door open the droid can't get through (I keep pressing the spacebar to try to make the droid jump ). Then if I try to reload/restart the game it door is actually closed again. A texture mod couldn't do this correct? I am using Xarwarz new 2011 textures for the Ebon Hawk, well all of them. Any suggestions? Thanks for any tips. OOC does anyone know where I can get a 1 sec blank bik file? There seems to be an hardcoded bik at the start of the game.
  17. Under Mod Compatibility you list Shem's Ultimate Sounds Mod, yet he has Spells2DA and BaseItems2DA which try to overwrite yours. Should we just add the wav files? The reason I ask, his Readme mentions if the 2DAs aren't added Addendum to above the Blue Interface and Invisible Recticles both work. Though you just need to stop Blue Interface from trying to overwrite your swlauncher.bmp and one other file. Also stopping Invisible Recticles from overwriting one file.
  18. Maybe he has updated it HaVoKeR or I don't have the newest mod, those files listed are the only ones besides the Austobalance. There is no version number just dated 04/02/05. In addition to the tougher enemies, thought it raised the end level be giving more xp. If there is a different/better mod I would try it, most of the mods I have are a bit older from the early days. This is just the first time I have played TSL in many years, I have been waiting for the Restoration efforts. Anyone know if any of these mods would be a problem, they are some older ones mods in TSL folder. Checked the Compatibility thread first. envida Ebon Hawk Smugglers Compartment 1.3 Khoonda Lost Room 1.3 Harbinger Quarters 1.2 Lab Station Implant Factory 1.0 Wesl3y Blue Interface Goldberry2000 PC Wrist Launcher and No More G0-T0 (sort of guess no on this) Btw if anyone has used this, does it break the game,if you remove GO-TO, iirc GO-TO has end game scenes? Dak Vesser holo droid emitter band Sorry, link to the actual file doesn't seem possible, maybe I can send what I have to Filefront. Thanks for any tips.
  19. Thanks HaVoKeR I will remove them, hopefully if anything he fixed in those files was important RCM has already done them as well.
  20. Thanks Bob Ta'aar, I actually already installed all the individual texture mods, so I can skip the UP all together.
  21. Thanks for the info HaVoKeR. Don't see any handmaiden/atris files, though I am not sure as they don't seemed to be named in such a way. Here are the files after removing the nihilus file, see anything you want removed? a_atrend2.ncs a_atrend3.ncs a_kreatris.ncs a_sisend.ncs n_darthatris001.utc n_darthatris002.utc n_darthsion002.utc n_darthtraya001.utc Thanks
  22. Any word on if these will possibly work together? I have never seen or tried the UP but if it fixes things RCM did not it might be worth trying. Thanks for any help?
  23. Thanks for this great works! This will be my first time trying the mod and haven't played TSL since the early years. After hearing about Restoration efforts, holding off waiting for release. My mod folder has a couple of older mods I would like to know about how to install or if your RCM has possibly even rendered them unnecessary. Since reading about USM compatibility, my main concern is about Holowan Plugin. Thinking Holowan should be installed first, so RCM can overwrite anything it wants, there by getting amap from Holowan and all of RCM, does this sound correct? I honestly don't remember what all Holowan does (actually can't find a list even in the official thread) but in the early days it seemed very useful, iirc. Any chance you could elaborate on this, could I just not install something from Improved AI to prevent it breaking Nar Shaddaa? Thanks for any tips or links.