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Everything posted by eresiarca

  1. I have a problem when you return to Telos in the attack of the Sith when I talk to Mandalore and try to get on the ship the movie starts and when ends,the screen turns black where I'm always on Telos and from there I can't moves . Any ideas?
  2. sure I selected "apply" button and the other (can not remember the name) but until this morning did not work this afternoon I tried again and this time it worked it woooooooooooooooooooooooooooorked yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what's the problem? I don't know, I have not done anything special than before,however, I thank you all so much for help
  3. I've the 3.3.3 and it doesn't work... maybe because is an italian copy boh... I try to change everything first time skill then objets then experience but no one of this is change in game. The strange thing: editor don't say me error it saves my changes succesfully
  4. maybe can I suggest a save editor compatible with the lastest version? I've finish this game so many time to restart compleatly... Thank you for attention (I'm sorry for my ugly english but I'm italian and Idon't known it so well)