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Everything posted by doboy

  1. doboy

    Hilts for All

    I know this is super late, but I realized there is a file that should've been included. I've lost it since I uploaded this, but I'll recreate it as quick as I can. I can't believe I didn't catch that, and I'm sorry if you downloaded and it didn't work.
  2. doboy

    UI Redesign

    File Name: UI Redesign File Submitter: doboy File Submitted: 19 Sep 2017 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Replaced the main UI to something more slick, a little inspired by the original KoTOR one. Just put all the files into to your override folder. Should be compatible with everything except most other UI mods in a similar vein. Click here to download this file
  3. Hilts for All View File This mod includes 9 different hilt styles for each type of lightsaber (single, double, and short). They are available in all colors, and you will need an existing lightsaber hilt to change. How it works: The screenshots show a step by step process. First, you'll want to remove the upgrades and crystals in the lightsaber hilts you want to change or they will get lost (really no way around this). Open up the lightsaber bin, beside the bench, and click switch to give items. Scroll and select the lightsabers you want to change. Next, click the lightsaber bench and hit continue. Click the style you want, and when it's done and all lightsabers have been changed, the new ones will be in your inventory! Extra: Also includes a mod I made a while ago that toggles headgear visibility on and off. It works more or less the same. Located opposite of the lightsaber bench. Compatability: Should work with TSLRCM, but it is not going to be friendly with other lightsaber and crystal mods. Credits: Thanks to Kaiden_Jorn, Kaiden_Jorn, and Kaiden_Jorn for making all of the lightsaber hilts and allowing public use: "All my mods here on Deadlystream are all now up for grabs. Change them, fix them, do what you want. You do not need my permission nor consent and you may rerelease it whereever/however you like. I do however, expect to be credited as the original author in the readme. I wont be around to see it, so it wont bother me at all, lol." Thanks to the people at as well. Submitter doboy Submitted 09/19/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  4. doboy

    UI Redesign

    Version 1.0


    Replaced the main UI to something more slick, a little inspired by the original KoTOR one. Just put all the files into to your override folder. Should be compatible with everything except most other UI mods in a similar vein.
  5. doboy

    Hilts for All

    Version 1.0


    This mod includes 9 different hilt styles for each type of lightsaber (single, double, and short). They are available in all colors, and you will need an existing lightsaber hilt to change. How it works: The screenshots show a step by step process. First, you'll want to remove the upgrades and crystals in the lightsaber hilts you want to change or they will get lost (really no way around this). Open up the lightsaber bin, beside the bench, and click switch to give items. Scroll and select the lightsabers you want to change. Next, click the lightsaber bench and hit continue. Click the style you want, and when it's done and all lightsabers have been changed, the new ones will be in your inventory! Extra: Also includes a mod I made a while ago that toggles headgear visibility on and off. It works more or less the same. Located opposite of the lightsaber bench. Compatability: Should work with TSLRCM, but it is not going to be friendly with other lightsaber and crystal mods. Credits: Thanks to Kaiden_Jorn, Kaiden_Jorn, and Kaiden_Jorn for making all of the lightsaber hilts and allowing public use: "All my mods here on Deadlystream are all now up for grabs. Change them, fix them, do what you want. You do not need my permission nor consent and you may rerelease it whereever/however you like. I do however, expect to be credited as the original author in the readme. I wont be around to see it, so it wont bother me at all, lol." Thanks to the people at as well.
  6. Oh my god you are the best person in the world lol
  7. I'm trying to get an NPC to play an animation after walking to a location. As far as I understand, Actions() are placed in a queue and perform one after another, but I'm not entirely sure. I have something like AssignCommand(guy, ActionMoveToLocation() ); DelayCommand(1.0, same guy, ActionPlayAnimation() ) ); // I just put delay command because I've had problems with scripting actions in sequence very fast. Now I have a workaround, but it's kind of ugly. Hopefully I made my situation clear here. Is there something I'm not understanding?
  8. Ok, this worked. I didn't know it saved a copy and thought it just loaded the new version in the override folder like it does with scripts. Thanks man.
  9. I haven't had much luck with this, and I was wondering if anyone else had. I've tried applying an effect to an npc through script, but there doesn't seem to be any listed hologram effect. I've also checked the "Is Hologram" box in the .utc, but I don't see any changes. Any ideas why?
  10. I know there are couple that already exist, but I honestly haven't tried them. From what I've seen they kind of just change enemy hit points and such though. One of the things that is mildly annoying in the kotor series and Bioware games in general is that your character quickly becomes overpowered. I would enjoy replaying the game if there was actually a challenge. There is an interesting crafting system, but I hardly have any motivation or incentive to use it since my team just plows through everybody anyways. Medpacs quickly become useless becomes force heal pretty much unlocks god mode. I could go on but I would do it if it was quick and easy, but I'm not really interested in rebalancing a lengthy game by myself. I'm curious if anyone else shares my sentiments.
  11. Yeah I took a little break, but I'm going to start to work on it again. Luckily I have a proof of concept for each of the parts, so I know everything is possible. I have to model and texture some lightsabers. There are (should be) 9 different, distinct sets of lightsabers. I don't want to overload the player with options and it seems a reasonable amount to unlock over the course of the game. Also, in my experience, there are only so many ways to model a tiny little cylinder that are really unique from another. The styles are generally inspired by existing lightsabers from the movies and games. The really cool thing is that every style can be changed to any color. And when you unlock a style, you can change any lightsaber you have to that style be it a double-bladed and a short saber. I've basically modeled 9 of the single bladed variants, so I have to model their double-bladed and short counterparts and texture them. I still have to figure out a good way to progressively unlock the lightsaber styles throughout the course of the game. I would also love to include a party member alternate appearance since a good amount of them can't take advantage of the changing armor skins part. I don't have the time or will to make new character textures though. I might search around and see if I can gather enough existing character textures to make it worthwhile. If anybody happens to have some or make some, I will welcome them with open arms lol. But for now it seems like a hassle.

    My favorite rapper for real

  13. Ugh, now I'm having problems getting the texture to display. I've uv mapped the hilt and the texture looks fine in 3ds max, but it won't display in the game. I'm just replacing the default lightsaber model, so I named the texture w_lghtsbr_001 and put it in the override folder. Here's a picture of what I export if it helps. Maybe something funky with the modifiers? Edit: So I figured out I actually just used the wrong name for the texture, but now the lightsaber just turns black...
  14. Yeah I'll probably start doing that. The idea got me thinking that it would be cool for this to be a sort of community mod compilation. The mod, currently, is really just a 3d interface for swapping textures, models, and the like. It could maybe be developed more as an in-game mod selector. Probably not realistic but an interesting thought at least.
  15. Hmm... So you're talking about adding new texture options aside from the vanilla ones? I believe this is possible. Personally I don't really have the time to create my own (or want to), but they could be implemented if you, or anyone else, decide to make some cool ones. I'd gladly include them. At it's core, that part of the mod is really not intuitive in the slightest though. Basically there are new .uti's for all of the combinations, so there is some overkill (8 variations = 64 .uti combinations). But the .uti's are only 2kb max and the edits pretty much take less than a second to do. Just a minor annoyance, and I've already done the hard work. As far as lightsabers go, I don't have too much of a problem getting them into the game and such. I'm honestly just lowkey wondering if anybody would want to help. I can do it myself, and will if need be, but creating an arsenal of lightsabers and textures by myself is exhausting because I'm not too experienced with modeling. I've been messing around with this for far too long lol.
  16. Thanks, I kind of went down the rabbit hole with this and started questioning whether it is actually worthwhile. I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly, but you can use all the texture variations that exist for each armor in the game. The video above just shows 2, but when the dialog tree is filled out, there are about 8 different texture variations for that particular armor, Mandalorian Combat Suit. Some armors have more variation options because Obsidian/Bioware used them more often, like jedi master robes which have 14 different variations. I'm reluctant to redo the textures because it's a lot of work to retexture that many items. There are also other pretty good retextures and model replacement mods out there that I'm pretty positive would be compatible since I've only edited .uti files. Not sure if this is what you were talking about though lol. I don't know what to do with the lightsaber situation, though. That's my biggest problem.
  17. This mod has 3, potentially 4, different parts. It does most of these by replacing the workbench interface from a computer terminal to a conversation. The mod allows you change armor skins which unlock when you pick up a new piece of armor. For example, if I am wearing a jedi robe and a pick up a dark jedi robe, I could replace the jedi robe skin with the dark jedi robe skin, retaining the original item name and properties. It's kind of like a dye system, so you're are not tied to an ugly armor just because of it's stats. Personally, I think it's a little incongruous that you can equip red light sabers. Meanwhile, the dark side has a patent on black fabric. You can also toggle headgear on and off. Pretty self-explanatory. The third part, which I'm still working on, allows you to replace and upgrade new lightsaber hilt models regardless of color crystals. The custom models function the same as regular ones. There is a little trick to do this, but it does have drawbacks. The last part would add options for switching out character textures. I realized that many party members have static character models and wouldn't be eligible to change armor skins. It would just be something like alternate appearances. I'm not too sure on this one because it would require a lot of appearance.2da changes and would cause compatibility issues with other mods. Here's a rough demo of what I've got so far. Pretty much everything works on a small scale, I just haven't smoothly implemented all the features into the game yet, because I'm not quite finished. So there are a couple of drawbacks to the system that I thought were tolerable enough to accept. You have to reapply the upgrades from the previous armor if you change skins. There will be a notification of the previous upgrades before you hit apply so you don't have to memorize them though. Not too much of a big deal. You can also only upgrade the items that are equipped on your character or present party members. I don't really feel good about it, but that's pretty much all I do anyways. But It's necessary for the lightsaber hilts to be swapped out. Basically since I can know the hilt of the lightsaber the player is changing or upgrading, I can just replace color crystals in the inventory with it's hilt analog. I haven't come up with a way to smoothly implement the hilt styles in the game yet though. I have a nagging feeling that I'm wasting my time on this thing, so I wanted to know what y'all think.
  18. Oh ok, I totally forgot about reset x-forms. Thanks again, this was driving me crazy.
  19. The 0.5 version worked, but now I'm having a different problem. I cannot for the life of me get the get the hilt and the blade to match up. The blade seems tied to a specific position on the hilt no matter where I move it.
  20. Do you know where I could download it? All the links I've found for it are broken.
  21. Hi, I'm having problems getting a lightsaber I made into the game properly. I followed this tutorial. I attached some pictures below that show what is happening. Maybe this is a common error? I haven't textured anything yet, so that's why it is grey.
  22. Yes, I know but for some reason the compiler isn't able to open the include file. But on other note, has anyone experienced general unreliability with ActionEquipItem and ActionUnequipItem? It's hard to explain. Items will equip and unequip however they won't necessarily load? This happens almost exclusively with party members and I have to switch to them, either in the inventory screen or in-game, for the items to show correctly. I rarely, if ever, have problems with the player character or NPCs. And to give more context, I mostly run these scripts in a dialog sequence or after the end dialog option is clicked. For the most part I think I understand AssignCommand(), ActionDoCommand(), Action___(), and the action queue in general. Sometimes I add the DelayCommand() and occasionally it will kind of help some of my problems. A majority of the time these things are due to human error, but I'm confused as to why they halfway work and why they behave oddly. This is really the last obstacle in the mod I'm making and it's fairly significant. Thoughts?
  23. This is what I was trying, but KotOR tool would still give me an error saying it couldn't open the include file. Regardless, it doesn't matter much. I was just curious because I swear I had done it successfully before.
  24. So I can't create my own? Also, I have one more question if y'all would be so kind! How exactly does the model variation field work in .uti files? I looked at some lightsaber mods and noticed that some of the model variations in the item files would normally be out-of-bounds and cause the game to print a white box for the item's icon and not change the model. At least I think so. How would you add more model variations if possible?