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Everything posted by Guingamor

  1. Oh. I must not have read it all the way through, sorry. Thank you!!
  2. So, the short version is that I'm trying to make a mod where Juhani gets appearances in KotOR 2 (basically the same as Carth/Bastila, with a holo, etc). The problem I'm having trouble figuring out is that the game doesn't seem to like the utc files and won't spawn them (the dialogue just exits when she's supposed to spawn). I've put the mdl and mdx files into override, as well as the tpc files, but the game still doesn't want to spawn her. I know it's not a problem with the script I'm using because Bastila spawns perfectly fine. I was wondering if anyone could point out the thing I'm doing wrong/missing here?
  3. Thanks for your help!! I fixed it by changing it to this: ActionMoveToLocation(Location(Vector(-77.5775390625, -51.8112106323242, 0.0), 213.749927975663), 0)); I don't know if it actually works as intended but it compiled, so.
  4. Thank you! But now it says the error is at ";". I think these are the functions? void ActionMoveToLocation(location lDestination, int bRun=FALSE); location Location(vector vPosition, float fOrientation); vector Vector(float x=0.0f, float y=0.0f, float z=0.0f);
  5. Hello! I was wondering if someone could tell me how I goofed this line of code; whenever I try to compile it it says 'Error: Syntax error at ","'. Here's the specific line: AssignCommand(GetObjectByTag("Juhani", 0), ActionMoveToLocation((-77.5775390625, -51.8112106323242, 0), 213.749927975663, 0), 0, 1.0); And here's the chunk it's part of, if that's relevant: else { if ((nParam1 == 10)) { AssignCommand(GetObjectByTag("Juhani", 0), ActionMoveToLocation((-77.5775390625, -51.8112106323242, 0), 213.749927975663, 0), 0, 1.0); AssignCommand(GetObjectByTag("Bastila", 0), ActionMoveToObject(GetObjectByTag("wp_bastila_1", 0), 0, 1.0)); }