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File Reviews posted by Publicola

  1. Improved AI

       29,519    19

    I've used this for nearly early playthrough of KOTOR 2, after seeing it in the /r/kotor subreddit 'mod build', and I really do appreciate the changes you made. However, I've discovered a bug that's wrecked havoc on my enjoyment: my Jedi characters will randomly spam Force Powers without my input. I was running through the Czerka base on Telos with Kreia and Bao-Dur, and it happened almost constantly. After defeating one group of enemies, Kreia figured we were still in combat, but with no enemies to attack, she just spammed Force Powers for two rounds. Or, about a minute after combat ended, I realized that my PC was still wounded and used Kreia to heal her... only for Kreia to decide to use Energy Resistance after I tabbed away. Or, when I went to use a workbench to upgrade a weapon, my PC decided that the 'weapon flourish' after the workbench meant we were in combat, so decided to use Force Aura.  In each case, the characters were on 'Aggressive Style', not 'Jedi Support'.

    I'm not sure if you're still around, but if so, would it be possible for you to check this part of your mod's changes to NPC AI?  I'm specifically wondering if you could adjust the Aggressive Style changes, so characters in the party don't use Force Powers automatically when that setting is used, but I have to manually trigger them.