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About Dogeness101

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 03/19/1997

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    Victoria Point, Straya
  • Interests
    Working out and playing video games.

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  1. You mate. You are a bloody legend. Looks perfect.
  2. To install it I simply put the mdl and mdx into the Override using the name 'PMHC04', but copied the textures using their original names and that seems to do the trick. No installer necessary.
  3. Thank you! Looks great of course, but how did you do it? And as embarrassing as this is to ask, how do even install it? Edit: Nevermind, I got it going! I'll get to work on patching it up and post it upon completetion. Once again, thank you.
  4. Well, assuming I've correctly converted the format which I'm almost certain I have, what could be causing the game to crash when a texture is applied to the model? To update quickly, I just attempted to apply the alternate textures of which were included with the original modification and the game didn't crash! However, it resulted in the same result as having no textures at all.
  5. Well I did convert it using MDLOPS yet problems persist. Am I missing something? How could I possibly make the textures compatible with this converted mdl? Edit: I tried editing heads.2da so that pmhc04 would use pfhb02* textures, alas, no results.
  6. I see, however, when I place the mods textures into the override under 'PMHC04...' etc, it causes the game to crash.
  7. I did infact port the mdl using MDLOPS, but without the textures its simply an invisible head.
  8. This means what exactly? I managed to import the mdl and mdx to KOTOR by setting them to override PMHC04, however, applying the textures crashes the game.
  9. Its awesome to have some direction on how to do this, but I find myself stumped at where to even start. If there is anyone out there who would like to see this mod ported as much as I any further advice would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I have messaged DeadMan but he has yet to respond.
  11. I can confirm that the model and textures are completely custom made by the author. Also, these are the conditions of use as stated by the author. "Conditions of use: - You are free to use this mod for your own personal use. - You can upload this mod to any sites without my permission. - Like I said above, it's more a modding resourse (resource) to me, so you may freely modify and use this model in your own mods, as long as you give proper credit to me." -Taken from ModDB Thank you for your recommendation of the 'Almost Anakin' mod and while it is similar, sadly, it is not of the quality this mod specifically is.
  12. I was wondering if anyone had the knowledge or expertise to port this mod orginally created by DeadMan titled 'Ep. 3 Anakin Skywalker ALPHA-2' for TSL, to the original KOTOR. Any help or info on this would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance. I tried to port it myself for personal use but I came up empty handed as I'm no modding expert or anything.
  13. Hey, awesome mod! Would you maybe consider making it compatible with the original Kotor as well?