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About emark4

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  1. Thank you. This does put my mind at ease. And thanks for uploading the file too.
  2. I dont think its really game breaking but when going back to the hidden bek base after defeating the black vulkars at the swoop race, Zaerdra is there but I cannot interact with her at all. And Im pretty sure you talk with her and has dialouge about what happened. I am playing a modded playthrough and I am not sure if its because of the K1 Restoration mod or something else entirely. Has anyone else had this issue?
  3. Okay so its been around 4 days I think since i messaged the mod author and Im not sure if they are even active around here anymore.
  4. Sounds good. I've downloaded it and gonna see about getting that hilt when I get to dantooine. I started a fresh new modded playthough just now.
  5. Been looking around for a saber mod for KOTOR 1 that allows you to use Revan's SWTOR saber. I know there is one for KOTOR 2 but strangely enough I can't find one that is for KOTOR 1 where Revan is the star.
  6. I havent, but I can try to see if I can contact the author about it.
  7. Im guessing it will be a problem if i attempt to install the mod without that file?
  8. I downloaded the zip file for the extended enclavve mod and attempted to extract the contents of the zip file. However for some reason one file cant seem to be extracted. The file is called load_020EBO.tga . It keeps saying there is an error in copying the file. All other files including the exe extracted just fine. So what should I do?
  9. Uh.. me? Oh no, I'm actually trying to find a retexture mod for lightsabers.
  10. Yes .... As soon as i have time to convert my kotor 2 game to legacy mode. I will also need to find a lightsaber hilt mod that should be compatible.... So tsig's voice was bugged? That sure explains stuff.
  11. At the very least, fix the voice for that first party member. I checked the mod out on YouTube and - my gawd - she sounds like a robot! Might as well be a droid.
  12. Guess I will have to give up the fancy lightsaber hilt mods eh? Oh well. Back to the boring hilts, I guess....
  13. Okay, but if I install this, should I uninstall all mods first? Including TSLRCM and M4-78 EP?
  14. I'm using the Steam version. Is there a fix for that? Are we talking about super rough, like "Mass Effect: Andromeda" rough?