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Status Replies posted by Pazaak

  1. Has new PC with Windows 7. Let's see if I can run KOTOR2 XD

  2. Someone knows something to fix for 1.8? *Is bored*

    1. Pazaak


      Also, maybe something relating to Bao-Dur's death? In TSLRCM he is mentioned to have "disappeared", by Atton and Gren, along with HK, and it is later assumed he died.


      Idea, I've heard that there is an audio file of Bao-Dur saying "Make my sacrifice matter", or some such. If it is implied Bao-Dur and HK-47 both went to the Czerka Excavation site, perhaps this scenario could play out:


      1) At an unknown point in time in the game, before Hk-factory, p...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. Someone knows something to fix for 1.8? *Is bored*

    1. Pazaak


      Also, I know it's already been discussed elsewhere, but still. The Malachor mod, with all the extra stuff, (Party Vs. Kreia Controllable Battle, Mandalore/Visas Part, ect.) Is that going to be in 1.8? Or will it be a separate mod entirely?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. Someone knows something to fix for 1.8? *Is bored*

    1. Pazaak


      Ah, yeah must've been I spose. So, you've got me curious now, what'll change with the party rescue scene? I don't really have any ideas myself, I just thought it was a little awkward. I was reading a thread, something about Mandalore leading the party out of there? Wasn't sure if it was related at all, but it seemed like it was.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  5. Someone knows something to fix for 1.8? *Is bored*

    1. Pazaak


      A few of the scenes on Malachor seemed a little awkward to me. I've seen a deleted scene where the Exile's party leaves the Ebon Hawk before you once you reach Malachor, explaining how they were there (Showing they came with you), and how they got to Kreia. In the restoration mod, they just sort of appear before Kreia, no explanations. I raised an eyebrow is all, I wasn't even aware they came along until then.


      The other scene I noticed was the 'Rescue the party'...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)