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About magdahalo

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 05/04/1918

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    What can I say? The force fights with me!

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  1. logged in to say.... MAY THE 4TH BE WITH ALL OF YOU! .... ALWAYS!! LOT OF LOVE AND THANX. you all meam more than you know to me.AND ALSO ... can anyone get the Rey's clothes mod to work??? lol i still can't. yes i'm on a pc now and still can't. :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. magdahalo


      Oh thanks. Yeah my character is female and I used the code to get the robes, is that ok? Do I need to actually find them in the game? Is the code you just listed for the original robes or the modded Rey robes? Sorry for the trouble.

      Thanks a bunch!!:)

    3. jc2


      1: Definition of a reskin: Only changing the appearance of an already in game asset, does not add any new items.

      2: Using a cheat to get an item will not affect the robe's appearance.

      3: The cheatcode is for the original robes, which in this case are only a reskin.

      4: This mod is a reskin.

      5: If it does not appear in game, either the author messed up the file names, or you did not install correctly.

      6: I will install it and see how it appears in my game to deter...

    4. jc2


      Check your messages, I found the issue.