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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Hey guys, ive built the application in WebGL so it can now be run in browser without any downlaods, and will still save screenshots for you to keep track of your generated characters
  2. Allright, I uploaded a new version for you guys. Not really a big deal, just those 2 errors mentioned. For those of you that have been using this program, let me know what general quality of life fixes you would like, and share some of your builds if you have them available
  3. It gives you random everything so you can have a random build. You can of course select your own player face when you actually make your character, but part of the fun is letting the randomness build your character for you, then playing accordingly
  4. Stupid question, but did you unzip the files? Running the EXE while its zipped throws a copy into a temp folder which doesnt have the necessary datafolder to run the program
  5. View File Knights of the Old Republic Character Generator A program to generate a character at random to play with in Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 Also available in Browser Submitter Animal Submitted 06/03/2016 Category Modding Tools  
  6. Version 1.1


    A program to generate a character at random to play with in Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 Also available in Browser