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About Akisai

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  1. Interesting. I have neither of those files in the override folder. One of the mods in snigaroo's guide was the Realistic Visual effects which had a bolded addendum to specifically look for those two files (CM_Baremetal.tga and CM_Baremetal.txi) and delete them, which I remember doing after installing it. The only other player head mod I have is a PMHC04 mullet clean up mod, which installed fine and isn't showing any issues, at least on that particular head model.
  2. Hello everyone. I've spent the better half of a day installing K1 on my macbook pro (10.7.5) through wineskin while trying to bring it as up to date as I can with HD retexture mods and bug fixes So far it's been smooth sailing in almost every department along with the TSL patchers and plethora of file downloads and extracts in the override section of the installation folder but I have come across a rather annoying graphical glitch that seems to get the better of me. On one of the male heads, PMHA05 to be exact, has this rather peculiar shiny glow on the fringes of his hair. I'm not quite sure which mod could be the culprit or what this type of glitch is even called so I can google it more thoroughly, so here I am asking for your assistance. Ideally i'd rather not have to reinstall every single mod from the beginning trying to trace it as it was quite a time consuming process to begin with. I moved the whole override folder with every mod from the main K1 partition and booted the game up and the hair is fine otherwise with no mods so it must be something that's not playing nice and not a wineskin or driver issue. As for the mods I've downloaded, I followed snigaroo's full build guide to a tee in hopes of not running into any compatibility issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/comments/3c2kvw/kotor_1_and_2_mod_builds_guaranteed_compatibility/ Aside from all of the ones he suggested, I also installed the NPC overhaul, Weapon Model Retexture Overhaul, and Vanilla Mask overhaul from here afterwards since they weren't on his list. Any ideas what could be the culprit that's not playing nice, or what this type of glitch is even called? I've attached a few screenshots.