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About Quantumpencil

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate

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    Santa Monica, CA
  • Interests
    Programming, Piano, Video Games, Math.
  1. My impressions: First of all, great job everyone. The mod plays very smoothly and though not perfect, felt like a nice fresh KotoR-esque experience. I think the overall plot of the planet is pretty interesting, many of the voice actors are good (like... astonishingly good. The environmental Droid(ES-05?), the trash droid, and Kaah are just really great -- I also liked M4-78's voice a lot, even though I would've gone for a HAL type thing instead) and there are some memorable characters. I think the two biggest problems with the planet are pacing and very uneven VO quality. The latter is the biggest issue. There are some droid VO's that are so terrible, they completely break immersion. I am mostly thinking about that first protocol droid you encounter, CS-36, whose voice acting was so bad I nearly uninstalled right afterwards. I'm glad I didn't, though -- as it definitely gets better from there. I am not sure if the project leads plan to do any more changes to the VO's, but just bringing up the bottom end of the VO's to the level of the rest of the planet would be a huge boost to the M4-78 Experience. You don't need them to be "studio quality" -- just not immersion breaking. There's also a lot to be done with audio engineering assuming original unfiltered voice acting exists. Ideally you want to do a spectral analysis of the existing droid clips from the game and try to mimic that filter as best as possible. You can use the same raw VA clips & do some engineering magic to approximate the timbre of the in game droids a bit better. I'm happy to help with this -- I have some studio recording equipment and friends who are very skilled VA's/Audio Engineers I'd be willing to pay, if there is any interest. For the former -- The beginning of the planet is SUPER boring. Combined with the really bad VO's which are overly concentrated in the earlier part of the planet, I fear a lot of people get a very negative view of M4-78 and don't stick it through to the good parts. That's a shame because the second part of the planet is a lot of fun. The beginning feels kind of disconnected from the main story (Vash's investigation/M4-78's role) and there's too much running around and fetching crap. I don't think this is nearly as big a deal as the VO problem, though. It kinda feels kind the first part of Manaan from KotoR1 -- you have to suffer through it to get to the interesting part of the planet. Good job on the overall complexity of the quests though, and on the overarching plot.