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About sheldonshotty

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. Rey's Staff (Beginner) View File Hey guys, i uploaded this mod on reddit on Christmas day then took a break from Kotor, i am back now and have got back into modding and decided to upload my first mod here, hope you enjoy it Due to my newness, to get this item you will have to use cheats-giveitem reystaff Note:It is Handmaiden's staff, Dont know how to reskin etc yet, sorry. Compatible with K1 Submitter sheldonshotty Submitted 02/16/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  2. Version 1.0


    Hey guys, i uploaded this mod on reddit on Christmas day then took a break from Kotor, i am back now and have got back into modding and decided to upload my first mod here, hope you enjoy it Due to my newness, to get this item you will have to use cheats-giveitem reystaff Note:It is Handmaiden's staff, Dont know how to reskin etc yet, sorry. Compatible with K1
  3. Hey guys, i am working on something/Trying out modding but i dont have the merchant script because Lucas Fourms is down for me, The code is featured in this video at 27:30, If anyone has this code that i could copy, i would love you, thanks! Video Link: