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Files posted by xander2077

  1. Vanilla Masks Overhaul

    This is basically just a drop in override mod for the vanilla masks of KoToR.
    With one exception: Tetas Royal Band Restored By Darth Insidious is required before that one will work. I included it because it is a vanilla mask, but it was hidden in the game files.
    All models and textures are overhauled. Some more than others. Even if the model does not look different by much there has been a lot of time and effort put into tweaking the UVs and editing the models to be smoother without adding too many polys.
    I wanted to release three of the masks as helmets, however those will be added later in an optional expansion of this mod.
    TODO: Fix some things about the textures such as glowing things that should be glowing, and add new replacement icons. If there are any model problems i will gladly fix them and re-up the whole archive.
    New file in addition to the main file is the icons for the new masks. Thanks to djh269 for offering to make these icons and send them to me. A huge help.
    That leaves trying to figure out some issues with reflection for some of the masks, and maybe a few animations that are supposedly supposed to be on them.
    Stay tuned for more great updates in the future!


       (15 reviews)



  2. Alternate Textures for Sithspecter's "Canderous' Mandalorian Items"

    I really thought that Sithspecter did an outstanding job on the original mod, however, i always got the feeling i was looking at things from other video games like CoD, MoH, or Wolfenstein. So, i decided to reskin the mod in a more star warsey look. Not one of my best skins, but considering it was done in linux with no way to know what it was going to look like until i fired up the game each time i made an adjustment, i would say i did alright. The worst part of it was the shins, and i think if i would have had a proper modeling program to draw the textures on and control how they were wrapped then it would have been tons better than gimp and using the game to view the results. Anyway, here it is for anyone who might like to use it. *NOTE* you must have the original "Canderous' Mandalorian Items" installed for this skin to work in your game or it wont ever show up.
    Update: now with new icons made by djh269. Thanks again DJ!
    For anyone who wants to update this skin or refine the skin to greater detail (in lieu of my feeble programs), i don’t mind if you do, as long as Sithspecter gets credit for the original mod.


       (5 reviews)

