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About fridgidy

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    Jedi Initiate
  1. Yea I applied to all subfolders for both KotoR folders.
  2. I did make sure. I only had a folder called Virtual Store and there is a KotoR in it with read only removed.
  3. I tried that on all folders related to where the saves folder is still gives same error.
  4. Hello I need some help. When I try and use kse 3.3.7 it loads up the saves fine but when I click commit changes it gives me an error that it can't open PARTYTABLE.res file for writing. This is the only version of kse that seems to be able to find my save files. Even when I manually input the file folder for the other kse versions it gives me save files that don't exist. But this newer kse I can't commit changes so no better. Please can anyone help? [Mod Note: Please don't double-post. This is per the site rules, Rule 8, section 2.] This is my full error. 11/28/2015--15:41:12= Tk::Error: Could not open C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR/saves\000003 - Game2\PARTYTABLE.res for writing. at Bioware/ line 1212. Bioware::GFF::Struct::writeHeader2 at Bioware/ line 1212 Bioware::GFF::write_gff3 at Bioware/ line 217 Bioware::GFF::write_gff_file at Bioware/ line 273 main::CommitChanges at script/ line 2374 main::__ANON__ at script/ line 3400 Tk callback for .button37 Tk::__ANON__ at line 251 Tk::Button::butUp at Tk/ line 175 <ButtonRelease-1> (command bound to event)