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Everything posted by Jake-Kast

  1. Well a very good work, for what I've seen. I guess it goes without saying that I am always available to translate into Italian for the "poor Italian players" .
  2. I too have the italian version of the game, but for me the save editor (kse 3.3.3) works very well.
  3. This is the line in ITALIAN language. For any question or other line to tranlsate, I'm here . * [Non è possibile visitare la fabbrica degli HK liberamente; si attiverà successivamente nello scorrere della trama.] * No, Mandalore. Ho bisogno della tua esperienza su Malachor per scortare la mia squadra fuori di qui. * No, Mandalore. Ho bisogno della tua esperienza su Malachor per aiutare i miei amici a lasciare questo posto. * Quindi non sei mai stato qui? * Sei qui ora. E ho proprio bisogno di te perchè tutti possano mettersi in salvo. * Sei qui ora. Ma devo affrontare Kreia da solo, e ho bisogno che ve ne andiate. Questo vi crea problemi?
  4. Ok thanks I've sent you the pm.
  5. I have noticed that some line of dialogs subtitles still in english, like the line of Kaevee, is in progress some traduction or can we make one ?
  6. Thanks for your answers, i don't talk about VOs ,of course there aren't any VOs in italian for kotor 2, but i talk about the subtitles of the cut dialog restored. However, all doubt are cleared, thanks again.
  7. First of all good morning to all of you, and sorry for my bad english, I'm italian. My question is "the cut dialogs that you have restored are translate in other languages or are in english ? And if the dialogs are only in english will be there a translation in other languages ?". Thanks for any response.