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Everything posted by Jame

  1. How many posts do I need to make on this forum to actually download the mod?
  2. Character use force ability to buff oneself, like Force Speed, Force Shield that kind of stuff. For example, in the cut scene where Keria got her hand cut off by Sion, the AI script could make Keria to use Force Shield animation instead of falling on the ground. It is very hard to trigger and it also looks funny, but it is not game breaking.
  3. No game breaking bug for the all versions of TSLRCM...although there is a very very small chance that character tries to force buff itself instead of acting during cut scenes. But this issue is not TSLRCM related (I made it happen in vanilla game too).
  4. There is a gender check missing during Keria's speech to Artis...(him instead of her when playing female exile) And I believe the "teaching party member stuff" options are still not fully implemented, since there are still no text prompts on what exactly did you teach.
  5. Well, I have the AI mod installed ever since 1.4 and that never happens.