Basil Bonehead

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Everything posted by Basil Bonehead

  1. Haven't been active on deadlystream in a long time. What I miss? (aside from a lot and Sith Holocron's retirement)

    In case anyone asks, I've been more active as a developer on Star Wars: Galactic Legacy, a mod for Jedi Academy. I haven't had a lot of interest or energy to do anything kotor related in a long time. The spark and inspiration isn't there at the moment. I'm kind of burnt out.

    The sad thing is I recorded footage for czerka commando that would get deleted for storage reasons and started a script that never got finished. Will it happen? yes. will it happen soon? I'm not making anymore promises. plus i have other passions projects I've been on and off on for a while.

    1. Basil Bonehead

      Basil Bonehead

      Well part of this didn't hold up well since I never went back to making that video and have no desire to at this point in time.


      Oh well...

  2. KOTOR 1 It's meant to be some sort of prequel to kotor 1
  3. Small bump, curious to know if there’s been any new progress over the last few months
  4. when it comes to exporting audio from kotor's 1 and 2, it's a cakewalk. But then there are those audio files you export and they still export as raw data and you have to slap them into audacity to get them to work. Results may vary. The example i will choose is the battle outro (the scores that play when a battle ends). I exported them and upon playing them back they didn't work and were still raw data. when it comes to audacity i've tried multiple adjustments to get it to work but i can't figure it out. anyone out there in deadlystream land know how to import raw audio with the right import raw data?
  5. NEW UPLOAD: Coruscant mod showcase EDIT: had to fix something... the day i never have an error will be grand
  6. oh, i kind of forgot... that and i thought you meant it was an unused attribute in the vanilla game, not the mod
  7. just looked at everything, yes i used all of them, including this one my memory is garbage also that one is my favorite too
  8. DAMMIT!! i forgot i thought i did fixing EDIT: nevermind
  9. fixed up and reuploaded N'Dul's Tomb items Curse of the sith is currently being re rendered, will be reuploaded soon EDIT: no i didn't i forgot something else *facedesk* edit 2: nevermind
  10. sorry for the late reply, i found some errors i wanted to correct in the video, will reupload them soon
  11. one last thing: after i upload coruscant i'm going to mention what i am going to work on next because it's another mod that is barely talked about or shown in depth (if it's possible with the mod in question)
  12. here are the items micro analysis, i'm going to bed now, good night EDIT: video privated, found some errors with it, fixing them now
  13. NEW MOD SHOWCASE: Curse of the Sith EDIT: video privated, found some errors with it, fixing them now
  14. after i finish the items video and make the curse of the sith & coruscant mod showcase, i have a possible idea for the next entry of mod analysis... i'll go into detail when I'm done
  15. revised the main post to have it be a playlist of all the Mod Analysis and Mod Showcase videos
  16. I guess losing everything made you too drained and burnt out from even thinking about restarting it?
  17. i wish they would be salvaged or at least have what was done uploaded i hope he has them somewhere and they're not lost forever
  18. why didn't i see your post possible answer: i was drowned in other stuff to notice, lol. welcome aboard, now to figure out when the frag i wanna start. also this mod is horde mode + tower defense (sort of) + infection, you are a class of your selection fighting and defending command posts against hordes of undead bots that can turn you into one of them.
  19. installed it, it's definitely an improvement, but this is still early in development so there's still do iron out like what i found: some of ambience sounds are placed in the wrong modules and/or missing some of the level transitions are still don't work i tried going to the upper city cantine using tar_m02ae and it takes me to the lower city cantina instead, i think the lower city cantina was cuplicated but again, these issues will be corrected, obviously