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Posts posted by Reztea


    Try this instead:

    int StartingConditional() 
        return GetGlobalBoolean("Recruit_Atris_E");

    Didn't work unfortunately.


    Here's the exact problem, I put the conditional script "SeeRecruitE" on this node.



    I put the conditional script "SeeRecruitG" for good Atris on this node.


    And I made a copy of the same node for Good Atris' conditional.. in case you don't have Atris at all..


    This whole Boolean situation is so tiring, I feel like ripping my head off. 

  2. Oh wow, I haven't needed help in a whole month, yay me. Okay, so I have currently have two booleans

    " Recruit_Atris_E " (Recruited Evil Atris)

    " Recruit_Atris_G " (Recruited Good Atris)


    Here's the script I used to inject the Booleans:



      void main() 

     // Once you have done the script, select the boolean to be true.


    void main() 

     // Once you have done the script, select the boolean to be true.

     Here's where the issue lies, I am currently in a dialog where the party confronts Kreia. I made a separate version of the dialog that should only come available after recruiting Evil Atris. The conditional script I am using to check if the Boolean returned true so the dialog will be used is:


    int StartingConditional() 

      int iResult;
      iResult = ((GetGlobalBoolean( "Recruit_Atris_E" ) == TRUE) );
      return iResult;  

     The conditional script also is not placed on a dialogue option from the PC, but from an NPC entry. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  3. I tried decompiling a_atrend2.ncs with DeNCS. I got "partial-byte code does not match", which I assume is also what you got. Now I'm gonna teach you a trick: right click on the binary code and select 'View Decompiled Code'.


    Also, before you lose your head reading the entire script – this one has an include script inside it (or maybe several), and those functions and variables come first. So for the stuff specific to a_atrend2.ncs, you need to look at the end of the script.

    Expect no more Topics because YOU, my friend, SAVED MY LIFE. Thank you SO MUCH!!

    • Like 1

  4. If you write it like that, ClearAllEffects() is executed on the object that is the "OWNER" of the main function (the object that the script was run on).


    If you know a function affects an object, and it doesn't take that object as a parameter, then you can assume it's gonna operate on the OWNER. You can use AssignCommand() to specify the OWNER if need be. In your case:

    void main(){
        object oNPC = GetObjectByTag("Atton");
        AssignCommand(oNPC, ClearAllEffects());

    If Atton was the owner of the script, however, your original script would work. But apparently he wasn't, so you were clearing the effects on some other object.

    Script worked perfectly! Thank you.


    I did a quick run down KT, I tried de-compiling A_Atrend2.ncs with DeNCS, was unsuccessful. This is getting so stressful now, this one last script would be so helpful.


    Let's say it's a convo between Kreia and Mira. I would want Mira to hit Kreia with force lightning. I would need a script for this, one last help and I will be out of your hair! Thanks.

  5. Please post the code that you've already tried to use. Oftentimes it just needs a slight tweak, but if not, I can help out more.


    I second that. You'll get more useful information from us if you try to solve the problem yourself first, and then present us with the exact issue and the code.


    And generally, you're not very likely to get tutorial answers to questions of the type "How do you script ______?". Instead, try to think of an example in the game and go decompile those scripts and see how it's done there. If you run into issues, post about that and it'll be much easier for us to help you. Plus, you will learn more.


    Alright, I'll look through the scripts, Bead-V

    Here's my script for clearing all effects of an NPC (failed miserably)



    void main() {

    object oNPC=GetObjectByTag("Atton");



    and I'm still in need of a script where a NPC could use a force power (Preferably Drain life or Force Lighting) on another NPC, that script plays a big role in the entire mod.

  6. These stats are ridiculously high. Also, I think you can give Atris a lightsaber with the same script that gives it to her during Atris fight and the Telos Academy Scene.


    The Atris you recruit has the following stats


    Jedi Consular Level 30

    Strength: 29

    Dexterity: 23

    Constitution: 34

    Intelligence: 41

    Wisdom: 48

    Charisma: 25



    Those stats result in a vitality count of 7260, Force 1020 and a defense bonus 29! And to add to all that she has the Proficiency all (Which is used exclusively used for NPC's to give them all the proficiencies at once) and her body model does not display Armor or Masks (Which isn't your fault but a possible 3.0 feature)


    Do you know there is already a p_atris file that already exists in KotOR tool that is about 85% percent finished? Right?

    I know right? That's actually my fault for not viewing that correctly! and I'm working on lightsabers right now, too! Also, I didn't select the Proficiency all option, it just came with it.


    I will also add more armor options to her set! Thanks for the advice!


    • Like 1

  7. A) If he bothers to post that there's an update in gere, it only makes sense that he posts what that update is when he says so. That's my humble opinion.


    For those wondering, here's the info.


    What's New in Version 2.0


    •*Added more Dialog options for Atris

    •*Now fights alongside You, Mandalore, and Visas against Nihulus.

    •*Now takes on a role in attempting to defeat Kreia on Malachor.

    •*Comes equipped with her own lightsaber.


    B) Reztea, several questions regarding the mod are on that Download page. Mind checking them out? When you upload a mod, it only makes sense to follow not only the announcement page but the download page as well.


    C) Reztea, I have my own questions as long as you're here.


    1) Are all of Atris' new lines fully voiced? Partially voiced? What's the percentage?

    2) Can you turn her dark sided? Is there a change in her portrait, if so? Does she change her outfit to the cut content outfit, if so?

     1. Yes, all lines. Fully voiced. 100%

    2. She can be turned Dark sided. as for the portrait, That would be content I would have to add. For now it is a normal portrait.

    (I'm planning out scenes and scripts for Tra- I mean Atris, to use her cut content outfit.)

    • Like 1



    I think that setting a TSLPatcher would greatly increase compatibility. I use Schematic Lightsaber Mod and even if I wanted, I cannot use it because it overrides modules to, but it's due to more massive changes.

    1. I will set a TSLPatcher, thanks for the advice.The reason modules are modified is because a module is ADDED, and the only module that's modified is the Bridge on the Ravager. (852NIH)





    Also, I think this mod will be overwriting some dialogue files for the endgame, and PartySwap and Atton and Male Exile Romance does so too. I guess that if compatibility won't be improved, I'll never have a chance to use this. That's sad, because I was quite interested in this mod.

    2. Don't judge what you didn't try! ;), and literally no dialogue is overwritten for any mods or ingame dialog since another module was added, everything will go as planned. All important dialog is put through the ERFEditor.




    And why Atris cannot be killed? You could as well set a conditional set to true on Atris recruitment for all these added scenes. This will uncomplicate the complicated things. Also, does she come with your old lightsaber? And how does she accompany you to the Ravager, when you can have only three people in party?

    3. You're correct about the conditionals! Somehow that actually slipped my mind! I'll see about that.

    4. I need to find the ResRef for the exile's saber, just a normal one for now.

    5. An NPC with just a tiny bit more power will spawn just before the battle, can't be killed there either, she will leave after the battle.



    And the most important: are the new lines voiced?

    Reused lines from different scenes in the game, all voiced, all lip-synced.

  9. Kreia will start the conversation, and the script fires at the end. What I was going to try to do is make ANOTHER copy of the 201Tel module, because it has a starting conversation, and I'll fade the convo to black, and fire the scripts there, since it works perfectly there... Let me try your script first, then I'll let you know.

    Yeah, no dice. Looks like I'm making yet another module, at least it won't be much of a struggle.

  10. That function has a mind of its own, it can work perfectly, or it can cause way more trouble than it's worth.


    I had a problem with it a few months ago and unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work, so I went for a bit of a workaround.


    But there has to be some reason, so you'll just have to try a bunch of things. First we'll need more info, who started the conversation with who, when in the conversation it fires, etc... if it's at the end, you could try delaying it a bit, so it's out of the conversation. You would then have to make a wrapper function, because SwitchPlayerCharacter() does not return void. Like this:



    void SwitchCharacter(int nNPC = NPC_PLAYER){
    void main(){
        DelayCommand(2.0, SwitchCharacter());

    I think JCarter has said that he knew some of the reasons why it can crash, maybe he remembers something?


    Good luck and don't let it get on your nerves too much :P

    Kreia will start the conversation, and the script fires at the end. What I was going to try to do is make ANOTHER copy of the 201Tel module, because it has a starting conversation, and I'll fade the convo to black, and fire the scripts there, since it works perfectly there... Let me try your script first, then I'll let you know.

  11. Guys, have I officially hit rock bottom with this project? So AFTER the PC goes to the entrance of the Trayus' Academy and being welcomed by the Sith Assassins I was able to switch my player character to Atris before we transit to attempt to face Traya *SPOILER*, after the battle, a dialog sequence will commence, but my script to revert BACK to my PC ultimately crashes the game... Can I please get some help?? After this, I think my mod will be ready to be released.


  12. I'm not sure I understood everything, but I think you want to change the OnEnter script. That is the script that fires when a module is entered, obviously. Look into the area's .are to find the name of the script, then exctract it, decompile it and modify it so it does what you want to under the right conditions.


    As for screwing with the original - if you keep the files in the separate .mod files, they won't affect each other. If you put the mentioned OnEnter script into the override though, it will replace all scripts named as such, so it will replace the script in both modules. To prevent that, modify your new module's .are to fire a different script OnEnter, say "k_960mal_enter", then rename your edited script to that.


    If you need anything more specific than that, just say it :D

    Yup! I did seperate files. Always coming through for me Bead!

    • Like 1

  13. I'm finalizing my mod for my recruitment mod for Atris (I know I've needed countless help, but this MOST LIKELY will be the last topic) Here's my plan. Since 904kreia.dlg is so BUGGED OUT, I am making an entire copy of 907MAL. What I plan to do is just edit "kreiaend.dlg". (The fresh version of the movie, "Kreia's fall") and switch the control to Atris, and have her attempt to weaken Traya, or even defeat Traya...(Trying to have her at least have ONE *solo* part in the events of Malachor V)... How would I go about this? Since "kreiaend.dlg" is this first dialog to start, I want to change that dialog without screwing the ORIGINAL 907Mal sequence, I am planning to change the dialog to "TrayAtrisB.dlg", but what can I do to change the script to fire my dialog file instead of kreiaend? The name of my module is 960MAL, by the way! ALL HELP WILL BE CREDITED AND HIGHLY APPRECIATED!

  14. So, I'm checking out dialog necessary  for this mod I am creating, but um... Take a look at 852Nih.DLG, the entire dialogue is incomplete... I left an attachment, freshly extracted out of KoTOR Tool, would anyone have the finished dialogue? It's realy hectic that I can't add content because of the lackiness of the game devs. Any help is appreciated! Thank you #NoobModderWithBigMods852nih.dlg

  15. The function is:

    // 11: Switches the main character to a specified NPC
    //     -1 specifies to switch back to the original PC
    int SwitchPlayerCharacter(int nNPC);

    It looks simple enough but there are a lot of eccentricities that can cause the game to crash, and I don't entirely remember what they are. If you want to look at some examples of it in use, it can be found in my Toolbox in the script jc_party.


    Wow, that's a really handful tool. One more thing (Last thing aswell) May I see an example script if I wanted to switch to Mira, how would it look? As kind of a foundation script.