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About DrDomiki

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  • Birthday 08/08/1997

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Guernsey, Channel Islands
  • Interests
    Everything, a lot to learn in this world, eh? :)

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  1. Hi everyone, I've been lurking KotOR forums since I was about 8 years old, and figured 17 years later I'd put my hat into the ol' modding ring. I'm currently working on a full overhaul of every single item, creature block, and description so it's all a bit more fluffy and cool (I know - a weird thing to do for a first mod. Just always felt that KotORs itemization lacked any kind of depth?) I'm about 60% of the way through, just wrapped up all the items and was wondering if anyone would be interested in playtesting a really early revision? It should be compatible with most texture mods as it doesn't mess with those at all. It would be good to know if things seem: Overpowered Out of place Cringy (I know, personal preference) Too much Too little And just generally have people to give their thoughts of what they'd like to see. Things I want to add as the project progresses: Custom icons for everything new added that try to stay true to the original icons and art style. Unique textures for any placed equipment. New textures applied to droids party members when they equip different armors that correlate with the lore as appropriate. New weapon types (Possibly models sourced from Star Wars Galaxies). Tusken Rifle Gaffi Stick Vibroknuckler Light Lightning Cannon Rocket Launcher Blastswords New feats. Unique weapons for non-Jedi party members. Different models than normal weapons - they start with them and are good early but unupgradable. If you're interested, or have any advice - I'm all ears. Discord: Domamu#1399 Thanks everyone! Disclaimer: Compatibility may vary with other mods that alter the same items. Really you can kind of use it as a base after TSLRCM then overwrite with other mods. Edit: Added a download for the beta for people that want to silently D/L it. Edit 2: There will be balance issues - it's a WIP still after all, I'd recommend downloading the Difficulty Options mod by Darth Shan. Beta v0.4a.rar
  2. Hey guys/girls, Just wondering if there was anything akin to the HQ Blasters by SithSpecter but for melee weapons? And if not, has anyone thought about running them through an upscaler? (a lá the AI upscaling mods that are swinging around)
  3. All the canon mod does is change one of the vanilla PCs to have brown hair like the exile should have
  4. I keep getting this stupid bug. I'll tell you my mods first to make it a bit simpler. 1. TSLRCM1.8.3 2. M4-78 3. Jorran for PC 4. Oldflash's Lightsaber Mods 5. Workbench Overhaul 6. Canon Female Exile This is also the order in which I installed them. Now onto the bug. So far I have made 3 different saves and gotten them to Korriban with these mods enabled, but whenever I get to the point where you get to the dead twi'lek before I even loot him it gives me an update to the journal about needing to talk to T3, then when I loot his corpse it says that it's just a bag that Master Vash left there? (I thought that was kind of funny at the time) After that I thought it might just be how tslrcm and m4-78 react with eachother sometimes but then I got onto the ebon-hawk and I got the "I am broken, so very, very broken" on T3 and on Visas. That's on the 3rd save, on my 2nd save I got the bug where you get the update on the journal then T3 doesnt have any dialog with regards to M4-78, on my 1st save I got a bug where it just updates saying that I found Vash dead on Korriban but it doesnt update the boolean saying that you found her killed. Any help is awesome! Thanks Regards/ Dom (Also I understand it's 2015 now and I won't really expect a reply T-T) Edit: I've reinstalled the mods TSLRCM1.8.3 and M4-78EP many times (about 2 or 3 times), I have the 4CD diskset from a long time ago and have updated it to the most recent one (if you can call that recent haha!) no errors on the TSLPatchers used multiple saves as I said and finally I am on Windows 7, which was a b**** to even get the game running!