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Everything posted by Lupo_dK

  1. Well i have no clue right now. I remember that error message appeared few times, even after the game was installed. Reopening wrapper usually resolved that. Right now my only suggestion is to reinstall steam again, uninstalling the old one and repeat from the beginning. You can also try using Winetricks (Point 4 in the guide, under Installing Steam). If that is not working, last attempt would be to erase the wrapper and downloading it again, and repeating the procedure. Luckily you are not going to lose large files... Please tell me if you get any changes
  2. That's quite strange. Just after Steam installation should start an auto update for steam. Did it happen? Just to be sure, did you tweaked something inside wineskin options? Wait which files?
  3. Wrappers are made specifically for each games. Each wrapper create a virtual Windows machine that works exclusively with that game. It's like a virtual pc for each game (Of course you can install more than one game in a wrapper but usually it's not convenient). So if you have more than one wrapper installed (One for aoe, one for kotor), it's like you have two different windows computer you can access from your mac, and they will not interfere between them. They simply are You will have no problems from other wrappers. Regarding your second problem, when this issue occurred? Did you download Kotor or it happened right after you get steam installed?
  4. Hi Goatboy. Once you opened wrapper with show package content, you should have 3 files, just like in the photo I posted inside the spoiler under point 4. Just open drive_c folder, then Program Files, steam, Steamapps, and finally Knights of the old Republic 2 and there's your directory. This path is exactly the same when you install this game on a regular Windows machine, that's why I said "as using windows" If you used Crossover or another wrapper to install Steam (Age of empire I guess? ) there will be no problem at all. The best thing is actually to open Steam directly, so put Steam.exe path. Mine is: /Program Files/Steam/Steam.exe And uncheck "Use Start.exe" So when you click on Knights of the old republic, Steam should star automatically. Pleas tell me if you have any other question!
  5. Rece's video contains right instructions, however i'd rather use Wineskin to directly open mods installers (Open wineskin, install software.). That's because you can install directly on drive C: and not search inside Knights of the old Republic folder. Anyway Crossover will install tslrcm with no problem at all. mmm let me understand: What do you mean with duplicates, do you actually see file couples with same name?? When you set game path, did you put the same folder where swkotor2.exe is located?? To be sure, open finder, press cmd+f key and look for swkotor2.exe, and check its path. If it's not the same as the one you put during installation, you have to re-install.
  6. Sorry for late response, i've been very busy with studies this period. Anyway flipping vertically did not help, I'll try to figure it out... but in the end as i've said before I made it work, using Preview and directly pasting from edited one to the original. Thanks for your time, I will let you know if something changes .
  7. Alright. I got italian version of photoshop, so command names are different sometimes. Your "flatten image" should be mine translated "single level" which merge all levels into one. I use the highlighted one. That must be the same. And yes, the original retexture I placed into override works clean with no problems. Screenshots: Texture properly working: Not working And thank you for helping me
  8. 1) Yes, I placed it in Override folder. 2) Yes, when I save with photoshop (and gimp indeed), I choose specifically .tga format. Program will also ask me for setting 8, 16, or 32 bit (I tried all of them). 3) I don't use KotorTool, I just took this file from a Retexture mod. Can't remember now which one.
  9. Same here. Actually I'm playing with Mac Driver and F.lux to prevent blue tint. Brightness adjustments no effecting. Sometimes a little too dark in few sections, but never annoying.
  10. I was playing TSL in Harbinger section using A Darker Peragus mod (which involves this map), and not satisfied with door textures I tried to edit them personally. Well, once found the right .tga file (HAR_Dr01.tga), I used photoshop, overwrited with same name and extension, and launched tsl. But in game the texture was unmapped, simply spread on door model without following door's shape. I tried with gimp also, same result. Surely i'm doing something really stupid when saving, but after some researches i did not find any explanation. Idk if I am messing with alpha or color depth or what... Strange is that opening original HAR_Dr01.tga with Preview (Ultra simple photo editor built in Mac) and copy/pasting my new file over the original, and then simply save, texture does not loose mapping. Any help?
  11. One driver excludes the other, if you check the setting "Use Mac driver instead of X11" just above "Decorate windows", wine will override default Xquartz driver using the built-in one. Essentially Mac driver is working "more direct" while x11 interposes between Hardware and Software, maybe causing a little bootle-neck for computing effectiveness. That's why I prefer first one. (Anyway for TSL they are boh running great). And yes colorsync looks like a kind of catalog for various color profiles... Indeed I could not make anything with that.
  12. Well, I found a solution. It's not perfect but it works. I installed this program (f.lux), which basically is going to change you screen color basing on time of the day. Open the program and just set to max brightness value each configuration (Daytime, sunset, bedtime). When you launch the game you should see the blue tint being overlayed by f.lux calibration. At this point I'm definitely going with Mac driver and this program active. EDIT: Ok, forget it. I did another test, while f.lux is correcting blue tint, it also overlay any changes you make with brightness. So brightness issue it's not fixed. But at least Mac driver can be used without that blue filter.
  13. Well actually the problem is Mac usually use this blue tint with some Fullscreen applications. I get this issue with also Mac compatible Steam games, with no wrapper used. Simply it resets monitor calibration and re-active it just when you exit your application. Could help to switch with cmd+tab from game to screen and reverse to try keeping right color correction, but game crashes when I do this. Anyway seems I cannot change anything in ColorSync. I'll do some tests
  14. From what the author of wrapper says we should be able to use brightness adjustment. But me neither can do that. If your image is too dark, you can boost gamma correction in Screen Options of wineskin, using "Extra Gamma Correction". Sincerely I don't really like the effect, but it could help. Another way is try using Mac driver instead of x11's, this option is right below of gamma setting. This is kind of useful, because while I can play with brightness, it also allows me to set 4x Anti-Aliasing instead of 8x (Too much for my hardware). And based on my tests overall gameplay is more stable. One big flaw, Mac driver causes a blue tint always on your screen which can ruin a little game colors.
  15. Well just discovered that Intel integrated gpus like mine do not support those effects at all. Mac system is not related. That explains why you can enable them in kotor1. I believe there could be a possibility to set them on your system since you have a dedicated graphic card, but with my computer I can not be much help.
  16. So i assume you neither can set it on. Well, neither kotor1, which was officially ported to Mac by Aspyr, do not allow you tu enable it. Probably it depends on whether Mac works on OpenGL and not DirectX I guess
  17. Yes I read about GoG version to be more stable on a Mac. But even if i don't own that, i can assure that with wrapper linked above everything goes smoothly: no glitches, no lag, complete compatibility. The "already running" can be easily fixed as seen in previous posts Rece's video can prove that !! (And many thanks Rece for posting my name ) @forgetcanon may I ask you if with GoG version you're able to set and actually see frame buffer effects? (Blu filter for recordings, stealth invisibility, hologram effect)
  18. A darker Peragus is just unmissable. Ultimate Sound Mod by Shem really increase combat sound quality, specially with lightsabers.
  19. Okay, that's great. So changing virtual desktop resolution was the key. I will add it in first post.
  20. Love your reskins, Nihilus was perfect, this looks like excellent. Instant download!
  21. I'm glad you made it!! Thus was set the virtual desktop to 1920x1200 to resolve the situation or you changed something else (like x11 driver)? Edit: hope you resolved the .bik problem too
  22. In any case my mac does not support that resolution with built in monitor. I will try tomorrow with an external monitor, now here in italy is very late . If it works, we can contact by email outside the forum and send you the file. My suggestion for now is open Wineskin, then Screen Options. First of all try to use x11 driver instead of Mac's, or reverse depending on what are you using now. If that doesn't work, play with values of virtual desktop, trying Override or automatic, or forcing virtual desktop at 1920x1200. Maybe take note of actual settings to have a backup.
  23. Hi rece, the wrapper i linked in my Guide to Kotor 2 on Mac topic should work with all movies in .bik, no convertion needed.
  24. Well my executable is just the Squ1zzy one patched at 1280x800. There is no reason to be different from yours. Anyway seems I cannot upload this kind of file as attachment here, I have to send it in other ways. Just to be sure, are you using the wrapper i linked in the guide? Since there are two different wrappers by PortingTeam, and the last one (linked) is way better working then the other.