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About Rovan

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. What are everyone's thoughts on using the xoreos tools for modding?

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    2. DrMcCoy


      Oh, no, *that* is not an issue.


      The ASCII 2DA reader doesn't care about the length of the field. Only that the cells are separated by a space or TAB character. So changing the length of a field doesn't destroy anything. Adding a space ("2745" -> "27 45") would break it, though.

    3. DrMcCoy


      As for Excel-editable. Well, convert2da can *write* CSV files, which are easy to open in Excel. It can't read them, though. So it can only do 2DA->CSV, not CSV->2DA. That's something I might want to add, yes.

    4. DrMcCoy


      Also, you can quite easily figure out how changed data is mangled during conversion by:


      1) Convert a binary 2DA into ASCII 2DA

      2) Change the ASCII 2DA

      3) Convert the ASCII 2DA back into binary 2DA

      4) Convert this binary 2DA into ASCII 2DA again

      5) Make sure the data is still sensible