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Everything posted by Shamy

  1. I only play light. However, I might do a dark side playthrough. Although I have no idea on how to turn all of my companions into Sith.
  2. New Update!
  3. Hello everyone! Just wanted to write these words as I have just finished KOTOR 2 for the third time. I have not really been paying attention to the story, to the characters before, I just rushed a bit throughout the game, but always I made good choices, worthy of the Jedi. * I have only played KOTOR once, and did not finish it, but I will start playing it again, soon, maybe to understand more of the story. * For this playthrough, I paid attention. I succeeded in making everyone a Jedi, which I never could before. I tried to take my time to listen to everyone's stories, only managed to talk honestly with some of them. I really would have wanted to really know each of my friends aboard the Ebon Hawk. Still the story is a bit unclear, feels rushed at times, but overall it is beautiful and well made, with incredible dialogue and characters. Worthy of a Jedi? But what does being a Jedi mean? Sitting in the council debating? Waiting? Not taking action when milions are dying ? To disobey the council and try to help the Republic? Why? To feel more powerful? To save the Universe? To turn to the Dark Side? To exile yourself in the darkest corners of the Universe, possibly preparing for a war that could destroy Life itself? Who knows? I did not understand many things. Still have a lot of questions. But I cried this time. I cried knowing that I will never get the opportunity to make a final choice. Stay with my friends? Go on with saving the universe and restoring planets? Exile myself once again, and go after Revan in the darkest corners of the ancient Sith empire? What for? To defeat him? To follow him? To train other Jedi and Sith that will eventually follow us? Why did Revan go there? Are there more Sith Lords that can destroy planets and feed off the Force? To continue with my Jedi teachings? To help restore the Jedi order or to exile myself on some planet and forget everything and everyone? To break the vows that prevent the Jedi from having intimate relations? To start a family with Brianna? Or maybe Visas? I do not know. It was an emotional experience, one of the best I have had from any games I played. Would have been playing for hours and hours. Did not want it to end. Unfortunately, it did. I will be thinking of this game for a very long time... Could write more, but this is all I have to say right now. I am really nervous, but at peace. Maybe I felt the Force. Haha, maybe... Was I disappointed when The Old Republic was announced? Yes. Would I have wanted a KOTOR 3 ? Definitely ... So, I invite everyone who wants to share their experiences with KOTOR2, ideas about the stories, about what you have wanted more, what choices did you make, and anything else you want to add. Thank you so very much for reading this far! Happy holidays
  4. First of all, I would like to thank all the modders that have contributed in making KOTOR 1 and 2 better, more enjoyable, overall bringing a really awesome experience. Secondly, I have also started playing KOTOR 2 again, and have installed several mods, such as TSLRCM, the M4-78, and a few others, which improved the music, graphics, etc. I really have to say that this is my third time playing KOTOR 2, and in my opinion, it is one of the most amazing games I have ever played, and when Star Wars The Old Republic was announced I was so hyped, but unfortunately it became really disappointing. A KOTOR 3 would have been a much better choice ... However, when I was installing the mods I was thinking, hey, why can't we have like a a single download which includes all of these amazing mods, maybe even more to make KOTOR complete ? But I am not a modder, I have no experience in coding or the sorts, I have recently started using a website which helps with coding, programming languages, but still, I have no clue whatsoever... So I was wondering, what would you recommend in order for me to start with the building blocks of modding ? Thank you very much, and I wish you all Happy Holidays !