Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Blog Entries posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

  1. Kate The Bionic Uterus
    I'm still alive and I'm still ViBRaTiNG BZZZZZ!
    Update coming soon, VERY SOON!
    Wishing everybody a healthy and happy Xmas & Holly season  Stay safe, wear a mask & social distance or I'll send baby yoda after you 
    Yes I play Star Wars Online mmo & I have been ripping apart Star Trek Online for the past 4 years. I play with the ToP STO PvP'ers and I run 2 completed fleets (Fed & KDF). So if you are man enuff to be killed by a girl you can find me destroying the dreams of unsuspecting players in the Ker'rat War Zone as: Decius@blackshap9#1072, Almaexia@blackshap9#1072 and my new hybrid Sci-Tact HK-47-X@blackshap9#1072. I have 30 characters and a few accounts but my MAIN is Ceit@blackshap9#1072
    If you play chat me up 
    Kate THe BioNiC uTeRuS still Vibrating and having fun. See you all soon <333
  2. Kate The Bionic Uterus
    So this is the only place I have published this guide. I made this guide for my friend Nessa because she has helped me with Fallout 3/V. I am more than happy to answer questions however the best place to ask questions is where the links lead you. Most of the time they will take you to Bethesda Forums. be on your best behaviour over there because they take no crap and will boot you straight out. You can find me there as ktbu. Guess what that stands for?

    ***this is copied from a private PM from another conversation so just read it in that context

    I will write my advanced Morrowind Build after but first I am going to write the easier way. Why? Because the Easier Morrowind Build will save you HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of hours replacing every mesh and texture and it will automatically include all the must have executive mods that are required to update the game to modern standards. ***The advanced links are at the bottom*** Everything you need to know is over at Trainwiz's old forum.*** I should copy it before it disappears but the links will have to do for now.
    This is for the DISK version of Morrowind. I do not support the STEAM copy of Morrowind. Sry.

    Fast & Easy Morrowind Build

    Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 by Kingpix and company will update the game to more modern standards. No more clunky robot walk. ***Make sure you update everything and follow all the instruction on front page. MGSO installs,.. I don't know really... hundreds of mods and texture and mesh replacers and includes all the other exe programs (BSA updater, MCP, MGEXE and others) so the updates are a must.

    *read all the issues and recommended updates mentioned in MGSO thread*

    This will take a whole day to install but you will have modernised the entire game from a-z. And just to reiterate; even though MGSO does a fantastic job there are still so many better mods you can eventually upgrade too but it is the fastest and easiest way to start.
    ***this part just covers the update process for one of the mods that you need for MGSO. Everything is told to you in the above MGSofficial thread but it helped me and it may help you;

    Installing MCP is a bit more difficult, but luckily not so much. The only problem is that there are several programs that modify morrowind.exe.
    Okay, I just checked the readme for MCP and there are instructions for updating. This is what is recommended:
    1) Launch Morrowind Code Patch.exe and select uninstall.. then exit
    1) Copy all contents of the new MCP archive to morrowind directory (NOT data files, but morrowind directory) and overwrite existing files
    2) Launch new Morrowind Code Patch.exe
    3) Select all patches, tweaks and fixes you want
    4) Click apply patches, wait for the program to patch your game and exit
    5) Download latest exeOptimiser (version 1.9) from here: http://timeslip.user...nt/exeopt1.9.7z
    6) Try to apply exeOptimiser on Morrowind.exe
    7) Launch 4gb patch.exe in Morrowind folder and apply it to Morrowind.exe as well
    You are all done... just do not activate the esp that comes with MCP, it is just showcase of the features.
    Also very important is the johnmoonsugar patch that is mentiond in the MGSO official thread. *****REMEMBER*** whenever you use any feature in MGSO you have to re-apply the patch. Also once you update the the utility exe. then NEVER use the ones from MGSO otherwise you will have to update everything again!!! TRUST ME that is a real pain.
    This is the big trick because one day you'll have a perfect install and if you make one small error when fiddling inside MGSO then it will over ride all the updates and install all the old ones again!
    Of course this will be solved with MGSO 4.0 when it is released.
    The main quest is amazing. It is written like a novel and I highly recommend that you install Julan Ashlander Companion 2.0 by Kateri before you start a game. You can not play it if you get too far in the game. I am serious. The mod will tell you if you are too far into the main quest for Julan to follw you. Go get him right away! This mod will enhance the main quest and give you a Companion mod that imo is the best companion mod out there. Companion Vilja a distant second! Vilja was my fave until I met Julan. Why? Because of the way this mod is tied into the main quest. It is brilliant and it just makes sense that other people would be involved too.
    [REL] Jasmine, a Morrowind companion Very pretty black girl that comes with a handy house mod at the beginning of the game so she is a good Starter companion. You have to sign up though to get her.
    Emma's thief companion constance is also a veery funny mod.
    Lougian is a new modder in the scene but he has become THE texture model replacer guy. Go grab all his mods. The quality of his Bump Mapped texture replacers are out of this world. I am not exaggerating. Just take a look at his Daedric ruins bump mapped. I believe the inside even has lighting effects added to it.
    Install Skies .IV by starwarsgal9875 and New Starfields by Melchior Dahrk.
    Weapons of the 3rd Era - Morrowind Edition. The original was made for Skyrim. This is a pluginless weapon replacer for, 37 vanilla weapon meshes. Even more will be replaced in game due to different weapons using the same mesh as others. AWESOME!
    Go get Tyddy's creature replacers
    Abot is another morrowind modding ledgend. All his mods are incredible but these three are must haves: Where are all birds going and Water Life and Move or Take My Place.
    Vanilla Morrowind is void of any character. It is an empty world. Fill it up with life by using Starfire's NPC Additions v1.11 and CHILDREN OF MORROWIND ver 2 by Emma and Robert
    I am not too sure what happened to this section. i seemed to have lost a huge part of this information... Anyways Children of Morrowind (CoM) is not an easy mod to set up. It also conflict with stuff so you need to be careful and do your homework but... it is fun to see the kids everywhere. Using starfires NPC additions and CoM can cause some FPS issues even with the best gaming rigs in certain places and with certain mods. Like it can drop to 10 sometimes but it normal and it is only in certain places. Just be aware. Personally I would choose Starfire NPC mod over CoM but both of them together make MW look like a real living fantasy world.
    Melian's Teleport Mod Unlimited teleport Marks. Cast as many as you want. Name your Marks whatever you like, either by typing in a name or choosing from a list. ummon all followers together or individual followers one at a time with a no-cost spell. This also works anywhere, anytime, unless teleporting is disabled AND the follower is not in the same cell. You can always summon individual followers if they're in the cell with you, even when teleporting is disabled - so you can fish them out of the lava in Akulakhan's Chamber for example - and if teleporting is allowed you can summon them anywhere, regardless of where they (or you) are.
    DBAttack Tweaked by hollaajith This is not the delay mod. I'll include that later. This does add an extra realistic layer to the attacks. It just makes sense. ***Dark Brotherhood Delay - Murderous Dreams by Avelon ok here it is. This is a must otherwise the DLC will start almost right away before it makes any sense to you. It really should start at a certain point in time. Trust me this is a must have mod.
    Keening and Sunder Replacer by Star Boi and thePOSTALdude by starwarsgal9875 I think this already may be included in MGSO but I am not checking right now. These models are so good... so good!
    Versus Vivec by Trainwiz Anything by Trainwiz is awesome. I am serious. The man is a genius and he loves trains. Weird eh? Maybe but his mods are mind blowing. He is off working in the video game business now making his own game. This is a great mod. It turns Vivec into a real GOD. It will make the battle with Vivec into an EPIC 3 hour fight. It could possibly take you all week to beat him now.
    Darknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins Volume One This mod affects Dwemer ruins “Odrosal”,” Vemynal” & “Dagoth Ur” in Main Quest timeline, and it is an attempt to make the quest to find Kagrenac’s Tools and destroy Dagoth Ur a much more involved task.
    You can expect to find much larger ruins to explore as well as traps, puzzles, and a completely new final battle with Dagoth Ur featuring a new end sequence. Never a dull moment. Oh, and did I mention traps.
    Endusal and Tureynulal Redone by Trainwiz Despite Darknut's GDR doing a wonderful job of overhauling some of the Sixth House Citadels, he missed a few. So, I decided to undertake the massive task (and by that I mean spend three hours of downtime) of redoing some of the other citadels.
    This turns the other two neglected citadels, Turenyulal and Endusal, into proper dungeons, bringing them up to modern standards.
    Turenyulal is now a massive underground library, fitting for the archives of the Chief Tonal Architect.
    Similarly, Endusal has been overhauled into Kagrenac's private resarch facility, with tonal bells and orchestra rooms ripe for the plundering.

    Cavern Of The Incarnate Overhaul by Aoimevelho Completely update the cavern making it look like a GOD actually is there.
    Balmora Underworld by Fulgore Total eye candy mod and dungeon romp. I like it.
    -WIP- Magic Diversity by Arkann The aim of Magic Diversity is to make your experience as a mage more, well... diverse, by making (almost) every magic effect visually unique. **This mod had been completed now*** It is incredible!

    Your Character
    MGSO comes with the Better Bodies ZW by Psychodog Studios. I just thought I would link it and mention it here first. Trust me, the old bodies looked like old skinny crawly old man skin. Not that there is anything wrong with that hehehe but you know... The Better Bodies mod changed that and for the better.

    Meldiocre's hi rez heads and hairs. I love them. Not only can you get the sexy but you can also find extra hi rez facial mods that add creases and lines for an ultra realistic look that a person would have living off of the land. Like this. Actually it is the same face used in both. An older looking sexy face. I love it!
    MacKom' hi rez Races Redone! These are ultra cool! I have used both of these head replacers and they are both of the highest quality. These heads are not compatible with everything but I didn't really have too much of a problem. Still this is for someone who wants that extra special rarity of a gem character.
    Slof's Lair She is my hero. She make mods for women if you know what I mean hehehe. Yes that's it! Eye candy for the ladies. Yummy! So If you want to man character to have his pipes and gears all oiled and ready to go then Alien Slof has you covered. BUT don't fear guys and don't run away just yet because she also made hi rez Muscled Skins for Better Bodies. This includes the bodies for females. Check it out in this pic.
    She also created two other must have mods; Better Beasts which is a replacer and if you want to play as a Khajitt White Tiger Race which includes Robe Traders, which is clothing for the tigers, and her first clothing mod.
    Higher Resolution Better Body Females by Westly who is also a very well known modder from back in the day. He always made quality stuff. This mod is great. Most of you will like this over Slof's muscle skin mod.
    Rejoice! Finally Robert's Body has been ported to Morrowind. Robert's Body is the best male body mod for all the TES games period.

    Robert's bodies by Robert Bahamut and Moranar brings together 3 of the best Morrowind modders out there. (Don't know who Bahamut is?.. I'll have a special section on him when I complete the ARMOUR section.


    This was the first DLC and overall was kinda a disappointment. Fortunately Trainwiz came along and created a top 10 all time MW mod that makes sense of this failure. Sotha Sil Expanded is my favourite mod I have played in Morrowind. This mod itself is bigger than the entire Tribunal DLC and it is voice acted. Everyone who has played vanilla Morrowind was disappointed that they never got to see the mythic Clockwork city where the god Sotha Sil lived. Well now you can. It is hard, it is amazing. Don't bring followers because they will die.


    Bloodmoon DLC

    This 2nd DLC was my favourite part of the game. The main quest is just so much fun. You can wait a little before modding this part of the game because the trainwiz mod of the first dlc will take you a while to complete.
    Solstheim: Tomb of the Snow Prince aka: Solstheim Overhaul By Wollibeebee This is a must have mod. It completely updates the entire Island of Solthsteim. It is tricky to set up with MGSO so just go to the mgso official release thread over at bethesda forums and ask your questions there. That is where the pros hang out when they are not in there little modding groups like here. The tricky part is because of Vurt's Trees. Vurt is a legend. He has made tree models for many different games. However his tree mod creates conflicts in Solthsteim with this overhaul. Both mods are must haves so it is best to get good advice with your install.
    The White Wolf Of The Lokken Mountain ver 2.1 by Emma and TeuTonic;This is an incredible achievement. Emma shows off her story telling abilities with a great adventure mod that rivals the Bloodmoon main quest itself. The models by TeuTonic are amazing! It is no wonder why Emma fell in love with the place as she wrote in the mod description.
    ***Be careful to use the ESM version and not the esp; the latter is not compatible with all the add-on mods. Those add-on mods look amazing and I wish I was able to try them however when I tried to switch from esp to esm My game saves became corrupt. I couldn't even fix them with Wrye Mash and some other tools. I always back up my saves and you should too before using any mods. It is a wise habit that I learned from my Oblivion playing days. When you finish playing this mod you will want those add-on mods. Take my word on that!
    Also there are some real old tree models being used. They are real ugly and Vurt's trees will be placed all over the Island through MGSO so you may want to go into the Construction Set and remove them because they really stick out and look weird. They are in the Meshes folder and called aa_Flora_arctictree_01 (to 09). Or you can just replace them with some of Vurts tree models. All of his stuff is free to use and you can find them easily over at the official forums here.
    Spriggans and Twiggans by Melchior Dahrk The main version of the mod has them glow mapped. They look amazing at night!

    House Mods

    Arvs-Spelun by Stavroguin This is really a cool place. I have tried dozens of housing mods. This is a keeper. It is the only house mod I am recommending although there is a rotten sunken ship home that looked kinda cool XDDD


    Advanced Mods

    Wrye Bash & Wrye Bash Stand Alone (WBSA) You need this for your load order and to clean your saves. Even if you don't know anything about it, just get it anyway. Learn how to use it here.
    AutoMW - Improved Morrowind Enhanced, New AutoSave System, and more Just using this mod will cut you ctds in half. Since using this mod I literally don't get them any more. It also solves the dreaded exit crash; that is when you try to exit the game and it crashes your computer.
    Morrowind Enchanted Editor v0.91c This is an important tool that can be a life saver. It does things that the construction set can't do. For example I once added a mod to the game and the mod added a character to fight in a cell that I had already visited. Morrowind is an old game and it does wonky stuff. The mod worked and the character was in the right place and all the changes were there but the changes on the character did not appear. That was because I had already visited the cell and interacted with the character. The character was Umbra and this mod changed Umbra with some sick armour and made the battle an epic one. However his new armour did not show up. The armour was the best part and you wanted it as a prize. So through this editor I was able to reset the entire cell as if I had never visited. So when I went into the cell in game it was completely reset and everything worked fine. When you think about this the other functions as a modder then this little tool becomes a little gem!
    MGE XE Shaders - Library and Development If you want your game to look like this, this and this, this and THIS then the custom shaders here will rock your world. TRY THEM ALL! ***Make sure you have a very good card or your pc may catch on fire! Don't worry as MGSO 3.0 comes already packed with top notch shaders but some people want that extra little bit like this!

    Instruction for how to get sweet FX to work with mgeXE

    For the SweetFX I used "Boulotaur2024's Injector with 1.5.1 Shaders (x64 support)", got it from here, as far as I know it's the most recent version.
    You just unpack it to the Morrowind's main directory (where the exe is located). To change settings, go to SweetFX_settings.txt . you can also change the keybindings there, at the end of the file.
    The settings I use I just made by myself, don't know if they are "good" or "bad" but I like them If you want them you can get them from here.
    Top of the settings file is where you turn shaders on / off , 0 = off, 1 = on. Beneath are settings for the each shader, you can experiment without switching off the game, after saving the file just press the "key_reload_sweetfx" button (default is delete).
    When you take screenshots, the MGE screenshot button probably won't record the image after SweetFX'es changes, I use Fraps to capture the image, The SweetFX'es screenshot key should work properly too.
    Here is something to look at
    choosing destination

    Modding Tutorial Websites for Morrowind

    Lougian's Lair Bump Mapping visual tutorial
    Tutorial: Basic Animation with Nifskope
    Morrowind is Home

    Melchior's Morrowind
    Bump and Reflection Mapping

    Advanced set up

    Morrowind Modding Guide by Knots
    The best guide if you don't want to use MGSO and many people don't because it is a lil bit screwy. If you really understand modding then I recommend skipping mgso. Still, MGSO includes so much texture replacers... hard choice. But it is not mine to make. I would still choose MGSO because I am lazy XDD
    Trainwiz's Morrowind Gameplay Guide Most of this stuff is included in MGSO and my personal list but this is trainwiz and trainwiz trumps everything XDDD
    Random Updates
    Westly's Pluginless Head and Hair Replacer


  3. Kate The Bionic Uterus
    When it comes to internet security everybody has an opinion. However few really know what is actually happening. That is because there is so much misinformation being put out there on purpose that people just don't know how to filter it. The question here in this blog entry is, "Where do I start?"
    The primary way the NSA eavesdrops on Internet communications is in the network. That's where their capabilities best scale. They have invested in enormous programs to automatically collect and analyse network traffic. Anything that requires them to attack individual endpoint computers is significantly more costly and risky for them, and they will do those things carefully and sparingly.
    The NSA gets access to the communications trunks (telecommunications companies that they have agreements with) that move Internet traffic. In cases where it doesn't have that sort of friendly access, it does its best to surreptitiously monitor communications channels: tapping undersea cables, intercepting satellite communications, and so on.
    "Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it." ~Edward Snowden
    Endpoint means the software you're using, the computer you're using it on, and the local network you're using it in. If the nsa/fbi can modify the encryption algorithm or drop a trojan on your computer, all the cryptography and protection in the world doesn't matter at all.
    Google recently announced that it would start including individual users' names and photos in some ads. This means that if you rate some product positively, your friends may see ads for that product with your name and photo attached—without your knowledge or consent. Meanwhile, Facebook is eliminating a feature that allowed people to retain some portions of their anonymity on its website.
    These changes come on the heels of Google's move to explore replacing tracking cookies with something that users have even less control over. Microsoft is doing something similar by developing its own tracking technology.
    Lots of companies are evading the "Do Not Track" rules, meant to give users a say in whether companies track them. Turns out the whole "Do Not Track" legislation has been a sham. It shouldn't come as a surprise that big technology companies are tracking us on the Internet even more aggressively than before.
    If these features don't sound particularly beneficial to you, it's because you're not the customer of any of these companies. You're the product, and you're being improved for their actual customers: their advertisers
    Lenovo installs an HTTPS "man in the middle" attack on their laptops: Before you click on that link you may want to know what the "Man in the middle" (MITM) attack is. Now that you know what is happening I hope you are disturbed about what is happening as I am. https://filippo.io/Badfish/ links to a Superfish "detector" page, with instructions on how to remove it. However the only way we all can be sure these TROJANS and spyware programs are not hidden on out computers is to NUKE, WIPE our hard drives and reinstall our Operating Systems directly from the disk. You want to use a Microsoft branded OEM Windows disc and use the product key off of the machine. Not a recovery disc.
    Pre built white box style computers (DELL) which I'll include HP at this point have always been full of bloatware. There have been reports of PUPs being in certain linux installs. Sometimes they hack into downloads and replace what people think they are getting. So when someone downloads a Ubuntu OS that can be run off of an USB key, you still need to run that through some security scans.
    I'm sure many people here use an anti virus, Firewall and other ad-ware/spy-ware detection programs. A popular program these days is http://www.malwarebytes.org/. It's results are excellent however some of you fine people here would be surprised that even after running a full scan using Malwarbytes and then a secondary malware/spyware program like HitmanPro http://www.surfright.nl/en/downloads and then a boot scan of your anti virus, that some malware/spyware still exists on your hard drive.
    It's called a PUP aka Potentially Unwanted Program. You may see it after a scan called something like this; PUP.Optional.Conduit.A, PUP.Optional.Default and other PUP.designations. Even if your scans have removed some PUPs they are very sneaky and are able to hide in the registry, windows folder and other Nook N' Crannies. PUPs are not a virus, but it does exhibit plenty of malicious traits, such as rootkit capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and in general just interfering with the user experience. This type of infection is used to boost advertising revenue, as in the use of blackhat SEO, to inflate a site’s page ranking in search results. So where do they come from?
    The general rule of thumb (and why I don't use anything by Google) is that nothing in life is free. The same goes on the internet. PUPs get on your computer after you have installed a freeware software (video recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators) that had bundled into their installation this browser hijacker. This Potentially Unwanted Propgram is also bundled within the custom installer on many download sites ( CNET, Brothersoft or Softonic), so if you have downloaded a software from these websites, chances are that PUP.Optional.Conduit.A was installed during the software setup process. Also in the last few months it seems even OPEN SOURCE distributor http://sourceforge.net has been found guilty of adding Potentially Unwanted Programs so be careful. Waterfox and other large profile projects such as GIMP have also moved away from SourceForge recently. The reason being to shady adverts and that SF force their own installer onto users, prompting them to install other software and then finally the software the user actually wants. Waterfox will now use CodePlex for file hosting.The new location for Waterfox files will be at; https://waterfox.codeplex.com/ So please be careful even if you have trusted a download site in the past.
    You should always pay attention when installing software because often, a software installer includes optional installs, such as this PUP.Optional.Conduit.A browser hijacker. Be very careful what you agree to install. Always opt for the custom installation and deselect anything that is not familiar, especially optional software that you never wanted to download and install in the first place. It goes without saying that you should not install software that you don’t trust.
    So here's how to get rid of the PUP browser hijack.
    Make a restore point and back up your files and do the following in order.
    1) AdwCleaner; The AdwCleaner utility will scan your computer for PUP.Optional.Conduit.A malicious files and registry keys, that may have been installed on your computer without your knowledge. http://www.bleepingc...oad/adwcleaner/
    2) Junkware Removal Tool; this utility can take a while to complete (like 10-30 minutes) depending on your system’s specifications and will display a log with the malicious files and registry keys that were removed from your computer. So grab a coffee http://www.bleepingc...e-removal-tool/
    3) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware; It will remove worms, trojans, rootkits, rogues, dialers, spyware. A quick scan will do or if your having problems with your computer like choppy video or laggyness then do a full scan. Linked above.
    4) Run a secondary spyware/malware removal tool like spybot http://www.safer-networking.org/ or HitmanPro
    5) Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit BETA; Go here and run this http://www.malwareby.../products/mbar/
    6) Lastly update your anti virus and run a "BOOT TIME SCAN"
    I have been a beta tester for the Firefox browser since before it was called Firebird and Pheonix. I still run the beta Nightly 64bit browser for kicks and I have been a http://www.waterfoxproject.org/ user since that project first kicked off. I use Palemoon on my laptop and I also use the Tor browser https://www.torproject.org/. However recently I switched from Waterfox as my main browser to Cyberfox [EDIT: but this whole browser turned out to be a privacy sham filled with exploits so stay away. I am back to Waterfox full time.] I use Chrome too when I search the Asian gaming forums because they have the best translation feature built right in the browser making it super easy to search for mods and ENB presets. Version 16.0.1 of Waterfox is the last confirmed release to work with Windows XP 64bit; get it here; http://www.neowin.net/news/download-waterfox-1601-without-avg-toolbar
    EDIT: As of Sept. 2015, I only recommend Waterfox and Firefox browsers
    Obviously I use different browsers for different activities. I suggest you do the same. I have one browser I use for Music and Video, another for Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media, blogs and media in general.
    I use over 15 security add-ons installed on my Cyberfox browser. Most of them you will have not heard of and are for more advanced browser comprehension;
    ad block plus
    ad blocker for gmail
    all in one side bar
    avast web rep
    better privacy
    certificate patrol
    cipher fox
    cookie controller
    dnssec validator
    download statusbar
    dr web anti virus link checker
    https finder
    https everywhere
    java console
    java quick starter
    microsoft net framework assistant
    no script
    This list is incomplete and I'll update it shortly and add links. I will also gather my list of add-ons for my other browser set ups.
    EDIT: If you want to see my updated Mozzilla add-on security collection then just click on the link.
    The Nexusmods website and forum:
    I dislike the owner and administration of Nexusmods. I find the moderators, especially TheVampireDante, to be bullies, rude and childish. I don't like them or their tactics. I am praying that another website could replace them however nothing I have seen has been able to duplicate their service. Their forums suck ass. There is no real community any more like there used to be 5 years ago. That is because of the bullying that they practice. Many top notch modders left the Nexus before it they changed names to Nexusmods. The Chat use to have 2-50 people in it at all times and now you may find 4. it is sad because at one time they used to be leaders and now they are solely responsible for the outbreak of hundreds of private smaller forums that have fragmented the modding community. As far as I am concerned the Nexusmods is a cancer that needs to be eradicated.
    So have you guys noticed the recent change in policy over at the Nexus and other websites regarding Add blocking software like AddBlock and AddBlock Plus? If you use that add on then you will have noticed that the Nexus now recognizes that you are blocking their advertisements. They actually place an advertisement of their own that asks you to turn the add blocker off with some sappy story that they need the money. Regardless they are interfering with the space on your screen and in truth it is an advertisement to buy a membership. For this reason I will tell you how to get rid of it and enjoy a full screen without annoying advertisements.
    You need to have add block plus
    install Greasemonkey (for firefox) or tampermonkey (chrome)
    Then go to
    Go to step 3...
    and install the the 5 scripts in greasemonkey / tampermonkey
    They should auto install but if they don't you can even copy and paste them in. it is pretty simple to get it to work.
    That's it! No more annoying adds by the nexus to buy their memberships. And it also blocks other websites from doing the same. Consider this a present for allowing me to join the community but remember that this is not 100%. The five scripts that Greasemonkey is running use the most common methods that websites use to see who is using an add blocker. Most of these administrators really don't know how to do this correctly so they never change their operations. This is the reason why Greasemonkey works. There are some webmasters who change their scripts often (monthly/weekly) so to as avoid what Greasemonkey is doing. The Nexusmods is not one of those websites. Besides, new scripts can and are always being written.
    I don't suggest you use this on every website and forum. For example this one I turn these options off. However Java Script remains the biggest security risk on the internet (FBI report) and malicious code can easily be hidden is video and audio advertisements.

    End of Part 1

  4. Kate The Bionic Uterus
    The history of community forums, the birth internet poker and the future of modding.

    I have a few unfinished blog entries; Security part 2, Wookies VS Bigfoot, Dianogas' Vegetarian resto-compactor investor prospectus,... Ok so some of those are not true but I am seriously thinking about them now! So keeping those unfinished blog entries hidden for now, I have decided to write about something else that has been on my mind for a few years now. Lucky you...
    I really wanted to write about my vision regarding the future of modding. I am hoping that some people will read it, maybe disagree and call me an idiot in the comment section. I don't moderate the comment section. Go nuts However now that I think of it, since I have written comments and threads over the years I think my thesis would benefit from another history to compare it to. Basically I believe that the future of modding will parallel history of community forums and internet poker. How'bout dem apples?

    The history and future of community forums. That was then, this is now.

    In order to glimpse into the future, you have to understand the past and know where you are in the present. Some people don't believe in the past or the future but only the present repeating itself over and over again now.
    So lets look at how it all started The modern forum originated from bulletin boards, and so-called computer conferencing systems, and are a technological evolution of the dialup bulletin board system.
    Bulletin board system; is a computer server running custom software that allows users to connect to the system using a terminal program. Once logged in, the user can perform functions such as uploading and downloading software and data, reading news and bulletins, and exchanging messages with other users through email, public message boards, and sometimes via direct chatting. The introduction of inexpensive dial-up internet service and the Mosaic web browser offered ease-of use and global access that BBS and online systems did not provide, and led to a rapid crash in the market starting in 1994. Online bulletin boards are sometimes referred to as message boards. Since 1994 and the introduction of inexpensive dial-up internet service and the Mosaic web browser many of the leading BBS software providers went bankrupt and tens of thousands of BBSs disappeared. Today, BBSing survives largely as a nostalgic hobby in most parts of the world, but it is still an extremely popular form of communication for Taiwanese youth and in China.

    If you click on the link above and scroll down to the bottom, there is a section called, "Shareware and freeware."
    Shareware and Freeware; Much of the shareware movement was started via user distribution of software through Bulletin board systems. The 1993 classic video game DOOM was distributed as shareware.

    When I think of the early days of the internet I also think of the wild west. It was a wide open space and everything was up for grabs. The early bulletin board forums were not only giving away freeware and shareware but they were also a place to speak to people about and share mods. From a technological standpoint, forums or boards are web applications managing user-generated content. They always has been and they always will continue to be. The earliest mods were shared the same way as they are today , except for the actual distribution which back then was through the mail. Just like the early days of Apple computers, people ordered parts from a black and white leaflet mail order catalogue. And you got the catalogue by sharing your address on a bulletin board. That is all the internet was back then. And if you made friends with the right person they would send you a floppy disk with a mod on it. That mod could be anything. It could be a that added new pictures of naked women or add new levels to text based computer games from the 1970's.

    Internet Poker

    In 2003 an unknown with the perfect marketing named Chris Moneymaker went and played a game of poker on an internet poker gaming website and won his paid entry into the 2003 World Series of Poker. Up until then, unless you were a degenerate gambler no one even knew that the WSOP even existed. He went on to win the main event, causing shock in the poker world, and beginning the poker boom.
    Within 10 years of that fateful day, young women and men from around the world now make their living playing poker. Once only a few could go to Vegas and play poker for hundreds of thousands of dollars and the best of the best would play for millions. Today it is happening all over the world. Kids are turning away from MIT and other university degrees and playing poker and there is even a World Poker Tour that these people play in. It is like a golf and tennis tour. It has become a legitimate profession.
    Who would of thought in 1980 that people would be able to make a living playing poker? Yet today it is as normal as any other sport or hobby.

    The Future of Modding.

    Six years ago I posted a theory in a gaming forum where I stated that some time in the future modders would soon be paid for their mods. I was rudely laughed at and made fun of. Now I am not some sort of futurist like Ray Kurzweil, I was already surfing the Asian forums for Neverwinter Nights mods while I was waiting for Team Gizka to finish their KOTOR II mod I was already a witness to what was and is going to be the future of modding. Private modding communities were selling mods. And it really exploded with The Sims and Oblivion. Oh they were already doing it for other popular Asian games but these two games were popular cross culturally and forums such as the Nexus and Loverslab were showcasing some of the mods that people purchased at these forums.
    Back then you didn't have to pay but earn points. You could purchase points and earn points. The modders at these Asian forums would make new hairs models, clothing, armours and even new races to play. Mostly different looking human females and other kemonomimi type races. That is humanoids with animal earls, like bunny ears, raccoons, cats...
    Today there are many small communities popping up where you join and if you want a certain mod then you have to sponsor the author who created. Sponsorships are I guess determined by the mod author. You are basically buying their work. I am proposing that some day in the future young women and men will be able to make a living creating mods.
    Just like the poker boom, where young people are today able to make a living play a game, like before them young people playing a sport, tomorrow young people will make money creating mods. And just like sports, poker not everyone will make it. Not everybody will be financially successfully. Right now there are teenagers making a six figure salary playing video games. They are like rock stars to nerds and geeks around the globe where kids sit and pay for tickets to watch them play a video game.
    This is just the beginning. I don't claim to know how exactly all this will turn out but it is a sure bet that your children will be buying mods like they buy music/songs from iTunes. Six years ago my vision was that large gaming communities like STEAM, VALVE, Moddb, Nexus would each have their own modding communities and the website itself would sponsor the popular and talented mod authors. They would get paid a small percentage for each download and maybe a percentage of the advertising on their member page. That was just my own idea of how it could be organized. To me it still makes sense that a large community forum like Steam could offer advertising space on a top mod authors member page and share the revenue with them. These are just the details, who cares really but the idea is there.
    Proof... here is one community where you have to sponsor authors to get access to hidden mods. The people who sponser them are called "patrons." They do offer public mods too but their good stuff are for their paying fans, here is another forum community for Fallout where you can only get the good mods if you earn enough points. These are just a couple of examples. It hasn't caught on here yet like out east but give it time, it will.
    I grew up learning about computers by watching my older brother and sister play with them. I have two older brother, one older sister and one younger sister. My eldest brother is 15 years older than me. My parents were married very young My older brother and I work together and we are very close. He has seen it all. He was an Apple geek when he was a kid and now spends his free time messing around with various Linux OS builds including some that I will write about in my Security blog entries. Few people could have predicted how the internet would change the world but some did. Who really knows the future of gaming but some do and there is no question in my mind that modding will play an important role in the future viability of the gaming industry. It may not play out exactly like I have written. These things rarely unfold so neatly, yet I can see the children of tomorrow spending there time creating a mod and making some extra spending money from it. Most of them will make a few bucks. Hey not everybody becomes a world champion sports player. Only the best of the best even make it to the big leagues. The same holds true for poker players today and video game professionals today. Sounds funny eh? Video game professionals LoL Like this forum asked for people members to buy a membership to help offset the cost of running the community, it only makes sense to me that ten years from now the costs will be much, much greater and people will have to purchase some sort of membership even just to enter the forum. people will be able to browse the forum freely by if they want to try old the gold plated TSLRCM 2.3.1 Directors Cut version they will have to buy a membership or possibly even purchase the mod itself in some way, shape or form.
    Who wudda thunk it eh?
    PS. This entry has not been edited yet and may never be. Any complaints regarding spelling and grammar should be sent to the
  5. Kate The Bionic Uterus
    First of all let me start off by saying it has been too long! No really it has been WAY too long. I don't think many people honestly realize how much I love KOTOR 1&2. I grew up watching my older brothers and sister fighting over who was going to play it next. I was just happy watching them play. I remember when my eldest brother allowed me to play his character the first time. It is bringing a tear to my eyes as I type this. Ya it is that emotional for me... So when I tell you that I love this game it is because it bring up memories of my childhood. Memories that are forever a part of me. This game is a part of who I am. I am a Star Wars fan just like you.
    I also have other gaming loves. Nothing compares to KOTOR but some come close. I am a big fan of the old Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms by BioWare, Black Isle Studios and Wizards of the Coast. That includes Baldur's gate 1 & 2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2 and Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2.
    In more recent years I became addicted to Bethesda games starting with Oblivion. I had a very successful thread here instructing people on how to set the game up on an old crappy gaming computer XDDD. Recently I have been playing Morrowind, Fallout 3 and I have just completed 2 playthroughs of Fallout New Vegas. I have had Skyrim in my desk drawer since December but I have not had the desire to play it yet. I had New Vegas (FOV) in my drawer since last May and I only just installed it after new years. Mainly I wanted to play the game so I can install Tale of the Two Wastes (TTW) which is a mod that combines both Fallouts (3 & NV) together. My friend Nessa who has created some of the best mods for Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion and FNV has been busy lately modding TTW and I have promised her that I would alpha/beta test her work. Her mods are hard to find and she likes it that way. Not all of her mods are in one place either. She likes it that way too She likes lots of things ... LMAO
    So there is lots to talk about and lots of gaming pics to share with you. This blog is open to everyone and I will not be moderating the comments. Just remember that I have 1 rule and 1 rule only. I will not accept any form of bigotry of any type. That includes include personal beliefs, race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. You don't have to agree with mine or anyone else's opinion but you have to be respectful of their right to have a different opinion than yours. people will respect you more if you practice this type of internal thinking. You will also be a happier person yourself.
    Hey, thanks for stopping by. Visit and comment often. Hopefully I'll be writing about stuff that interests you. And more importantly I hope to make you smile at least once with every new entry.
    Cheers and many blessings
    Next entry: My private Morrowind Build Guide; How to set the game up so it has all the features of a modern looking game from A to Z!
    Pic: My Fallout New Vegas character, "Rachael" who is a replicant. Ya that's right, I am talking to you science fiction fans. I am role playing the replicant Rachael from the movie BLADE RUNNER. She is pictured in a studio mod that I made for a friend. Well I didn't make the actual studio mod, I created a mod that adds textures to use with the studio. It is called Psijonica Presents TheAfterKings Photo Studio Add On Pack.