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About WhereIsBaoDur

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    Jedi Apprentice
  1. From Chris Avellone's blog: Bao-Dur - we didn't have time to finish his thread, but if I recall (it's been a while), he was supposed to die on the attack on Telos to help HK-47 get to the HK-50 factory and shut it down to save the planet.
  2. yeah, 1.7, sorry. about the communications, i remember going straight for them in one playthrough and disabling them right away. that is, before trying to shut off the reactor and hearing the HK-50s warning about harming them.
  3. A pity. Have you thought about adding the option anyway for gameplay reasons? (just handmaiden/disciple learned X after exile's usual lines about teaching) Anyway, I finished my last playthrough. I have to say, I'm especially impressed with what you did to the HK factory since 1.8.7! Gorgeous. HK-factory has now the same level of polish of the rest of the game - if not more. I don't remember being able to activate and kill the HK-51s before, but that could be just me going less hardcore with HK-47 in the past. Does it make any difference to G0-T0/HK-47 confrontation on Malachor, or is it the same as stopping both production lines? Also, I could be mistaken but it seems to me you are no longer able to disable comunications before trying to stop the reactor. I understand if you changed it, but I liked it better before, that way everywhere you went first, you did some damage/progress. It was good to see Mandalore on Malachor, but I'm a bit disappointed this way I don't get Brianna's and Visas' lines at the end. (It makes sense, I know) The last - minor - thing that bugged me was that I lost light side mastery on my last planet, and in the end game I only found ways to get DS points. Not even rescuing my party was enough. But I have no idea if this is a change, or if it was like that before. Anyway, personal preferences aside, you did a great job. I remember the first time I played TSLRCM my game kept crashing on Onderon. Thank you guys!
  4. Well I noticed Handmaiden is the only character I can't teach Force tecniques. Is there a reason for it?
  5. Looks like i'm a couple versions back, nice to see Malachor has been upgraded
  6. Yeah me too. Sorry about it. It's just that "We've never been to the surface" just seemed to me more natural to come out when on the surface of Malachor. And the loading screen with them (and my general hope the ending wouldn't feel so empty) make me like it more. But it's subjective, my words were badly chosen.
  7. I love TSLRCM. My only real pet peeve is the dialogue between Canderous and Visas being moved to the Ravager (i prefer this version except from the bit with Canderous unmasked). the rest are just dream mods/restorations: I'd love to have VO for a few missing Kreia's sentences when she confronts the party on Malachor. I know a few audio files were found about the holocron quest. I'd like to hear them, I doubt there's enough for a restoration, but maybe they could be put back in someway? Dunno... Bao Dur's death on Telos (I know, I know) A more polished Malachor. Party dynamics are still somewhat confused. Something to justify Mandalore not coming in and the party attacking Kreia before you. Did they look for you? I like some of the things proposed in malachor vi, but not all of them. I last played 1.7 though. Did I miss something big?
  8. I don't recall any "somewhat mystical-like dialog with Bao-Dur's spirit". Is it TSLRCM 1.8?
  9. I'm sure it has already been answered, but I'd like to know why Extended Rebuild Jedi Enclave isn't been included in TSLRCM. Thank you.
  10. Well, it's Kreia we are talking about... And as it's been said, that is only a theory, you don't have to believe in it. Still, if you want, there a are a few things that couldsuggest it. A part from the similarities that can be drawn between the two and what I - and others - have already said, there's the impression that Brianna and Mical are the only characters she sympathizes with, at least once. Why? Mical for finding out about the echo; it's not clear why she shoud care about Brianna, though. Again that is only speculation, but in my opinion it can be argued that their supposed kinship could shed some light on some matters, as strange, and twisted, and moot as it can be.
  11. I think it is a matter of interpretation. I believe she is annoyed by her presence and she probably regrets a bit about her own past, and she hates to be reminded of it, as much as she hates to be judged. She cannot allow herself to veer away from her plan (teaching the exile, defeating Nihilus etc), she knows she is going to die, she wants to, actually. She also despises Brianna a bit, as she does almost anyone, and can be cruel to her - no surprise there - but that is just one possibility out of many. I think she doesn't hate her, more likely she just despises her position as blind follower of Atris, and also she is both concerned and hopeful that she could follow her mother's path. She basically suggests the exile to teach her, and i believe she's quite pleased when she tells Atris of the betrayal. On Malachor she is cruel and kind to her at the same time (as she is with Mical).
  12. The part with "betrayal. and from a machine i cannot abide it" made me think that she already knew a bit of it actually. As for her recovering of the Force i honestly don't know, anyone got a clear idea about it?
  13. I thought about "passengers". Kreia tells you she boarded the sith overrun Harbinger though(I checked the harbinger logs, they found the sith warship and boarded it before the Ebon Hawk) She, of course, could be lying and in fact had reasons to. Still it is probably just a bit more likely that she came with T3 (I have nothing to support it, except the fact that it makes it more likely that Sion is chasing the E.H.) About the Exile's motivation for his return it could simply be that Carth called for him, and he had no other reasons. After all the Harbinger was sent for him, and it could explain why he didn't know the destination. I don't have many ideas as to how kreia regained the connection with the Force though. (do you think that happens before the game, or she's also using her link with the exile to heal herself?)
  14. It would be useful to have Remote tells influence back for TSLRCM 1.8. Also, Workbench crystal attunement doesn't work anymore, am I right? (don't rememeber choose hanharr or mira, never tried it, always thought it was great though since i prefer hanharr)
  15. That is correct. I also recall Revan was the one who shot HK-47.