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Everything posted by and!

  1. Thanks for the fast reply HH. That sounds convincing.
  2. Thanks for the answer HH. Your explanation makes sense to me. Is it possible, that the soldier who's asking for the starport visa when leaving the Merchant Quarter is called Captain Gelisi despite no being the actual Cpt.? Because I'm quite sure this was the case when I left the Merchant Quarter. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
  3. Hi guys let me first thank you all for making this mod! Today I encountered a minor Bug (?) [Location: Onderon -> Iziz -> Merchant Quarter] After having met Master Kavar I left the merchant quarter to reach the mandalorian shuttle. Before leaving the merchant quarter your starport visa gets checked by Captain Gelesi. Captain Gelesi looks different than the soldiers. However in the cutscene he looks exactly the same like a soldier. Maybe this is a vanilla bug. It has been quite some time since I played KoTOR2. I use a fresh installed KoTOR 2 1.0b + TSLRCM 1.8.1 with no other mods