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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/31/2024 in Image Comments

  1. 1 point
    I'd like access to those files also. I too appreciate the skin tone
  2. 1 point
    Hey EAF97, I'm a big fan of your mods and was hoping you could share this head model you used for Brejik? PMHH02 is my go-to head for my Exile, and I like this skin tone much better than the yellow-greenish KotOR 2 uses. Please let me know if possible, thanks!
  3. 1 point
    Whoa: Before: After: For those wondering, this is a HIGHLY revised version of the Blaster Carbine found from the High Quality Blasters mod: You should ask @Sithspecter for permission to release a mod of this it's brilliant!!
  4. 1 point
    Hello Vhail. In my opinion your masks mods are the best. I saw that you only posted them as images not as mods or I cant find them. I saw that you ware not active for a long time, but by any chance if you see this comment can you upload them as mods?
  5. 1 point