The first update of 2025 is on the horizon - and I have quite a few screenshots to share with you all!
First, the male Jedi in this screenshot currently uses a female appearance by mistake. This bug will be fixed in the next update as seen below:
For those of us who haven't yet realized that RC-K1CP restores the unused Jedi appearances on Dantooine and the Star Forge, do be aware that you can still install the NPC Diversity Pack and other mods like DP's Jedi Diversity on the Star Forge after RC-K1CP so that you can get your modded Jedi appearances without RC-K1CP ruining that for you with incompatibilities or inconsistencies.
There will be a few more minor additions done to Dantooine, such as this guy's new appearance.
He gets the orange Twi'lek appearance that was restored in K1CP, as far as I'm aware the K1CP only uses that appearance on Taris so I've added it to several more NPCs that you'll find throughout the game.
Another appearance change comes in the form of Deesra Luur Jada.
He now uses the Twi'lek Jedi variant which, in the vanilla game, only appears on the Star Forge. If you are a fan of the KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity mod by Leilukin, do know that Deesra is still wearing his brown Jedi Robe even though you can't see it. That means you can safely install Leilukin's mod after RC-K1CP and still get Leilukin's unique Deesra appearance without any fear of incompatibilities.
But you might be wondering why I gave him this appearance in the first place? Well, he is a green Twi'lek who wears brown robes... you know who else is a green Twi'lek who wears brown robes?
I have successfully recreated the Garrum and Tar'eelok Restoration using the source scripts provided in Sekan and Seamhainn's original gamefront mod.
Here are some screenshots of the arguing Master and Padawan duo within the next update of the RC-K1CP mod:
In addition to these restorations, there will also be the restoration of unused Czerka, Sith Officer, and Republic Soldier variants alongside fixes and restorations of in-game music that is heard across the game. For now, I shall show you a teaser of the Republic Soldiers.
The restoration of Republic Officers, especially on the Endar Spire, allows me to restore the cut Republic Officer soundset. A major gripe players had with the Endar Spire fight scene was that all the Republic Soldiers use the exact same Republic Soldier soundset when they die, K1CP tried to fix that by giving the soldiers random male soundsets. With RC-K1CP, you'll hear a mix of Republic Soldier soundsets, Republic Officer soundsets, and female soundsets with this next restoration.
The female Republic Soldier has also been restored, though they have only been restored as a sort of background NPC you can never interact with. If you wish to have female Republic Soldiers you can interact with, my Female Republic Soldier Restoration mod can be installed after RC-K1CP. Not only does this mod restore the female Republic Soldiers, but also adds AI generated VO so you can speak with the female Republic Soldiers you encounter on Manaan.