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1 point
Version 3.10.3
This add-on is a fork of KotorBlender, upgraded to support newer versions of Blender. KotorBlender is in turn based on NeverBlender, forked from version 1.23a. ## Features - Import & export MDL models, including walkmeshes - Import & export LYT files - Import & export PTH files ## Installation 1. Clone this repository or download the latest release of KotorBlender from Deadly Stream 2. If you have cloned the repository, create a ZIP archive containing the **io_scene_kotor** directory 3. From Edit → Preferences → Add-ons in Blender, install the add-on from the ZIP archive and enable it by ticking a box next to "Import-Export: KotorBlender" 4. Alternatively, if you want to contribute to KotorBlender, you may want to create a symbolic link to the local repository in the Blender add-ons directory, typically located at `C:/Users/{user}/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/{version}/scripts/addons`. 1. `mklink /D io_scene_kotor {repo}/io_scene_kotor` ## Usage ### Data Preparation Extract models, textures, walkmeshes, LYT and PTH files into a working directory, using a tool of your choice, e.g. reone toolkit. Recommended directory structure: - *data* — extract all BIF archives here without subdirectories - *texturepacks* - *swpc_tex_tpa* — extract swpc_tex_tpa ERF archive here If you plan to edit textures, batch-convert TPC to TGA / TXI files using **reone toolkit**, although TPC textures are also supported by KotorBlender. ### Model Import and Export 1. Import via File → Import → KotOR Model (.mdl) 2. Select top-level MDL root object to be exported 3. Export via File → Export → KotOR Model (.mdl) ### Editing Animations To edit list of model animations and corresponding events, select MDL root object and navigate to Object → KotOR Animations. KotorBlender supports both object and armature-based edits. To create an armature from objects, navigate to KotOR Animations → Armature and press Rebuild Armature and Apply Object Keyframes. Before exporting a model, make sure to copy armature keyframes back to objects by pressing Unapply Object Keyframes. ### Lightmapping 1. Select objects for which you want lightmaps to be recreated, or unselect all objects to recreate all lightmaps 2. Press KotOR → Lightmaps → Bake (auto) UV mapping: 1. Select objects having the same lightmap texture and enter Edit mode 2. For every object, ensure that `UVMap_lm` UV layer is active 3. Select all faces and unwrap UVs via UV → Lightmap Pack, increase Margin to avoid face overlapping Fine-tuning: 1. Increase lightmap image size via UV Editing → Image → Resize 2. Tweak ambient color via Scene → World → Surface → Color 3. Manually toggle rendering of objects in Outliner and press KotOR → Lightmaps → Bake (manual) 4. In Scene → Render, set Device to GPU Compute to improve performance, set Render Engine to Cycles if not already 5. In Scene → Render → Sampling → Render increase Max Samples to improve quality ### Minimap Rendering 1. Press KotOR → Minimap → Render (auto) 2. Open "Render Result" image in Image Editor and save it as "lbl_map{modulename}.tga" 3. Open "MinimapCoords" text in Text Editor and copy-paste generated properties into module .ARE file using any GFF editor Fine-tuning: 1. Tweak background color via Scene → World → Surface → Color 2. Manually toggle rendering of objects in Outliner and press KotOR → Minimap → Render (manual) ### Connecting Rooms 1. Select a room walkmesh 2. Enter Edit mode and select two vertices adjacent to another room 3. Determine 0-based index of the other room into the LYT file 4. Enter Vertex Paint mode and set brush color to (0.0, G, 0.0), where G = (200 + room index) / 255 5. Ensure that brush blending mode is set to Mix, and brush strength is set to 1.0 6. Paint over the selected vertices ### Editing Paths 1. Extract PTH file from the module's RIM file, e.g. "modules/danm13_s.rim" (Kotor Tool, reone toolkit, etc.) 2. Import PTH into Blender via File → Import → KotOR Path (.pth) 3. Create/move path points, or modify path connections via Object Properties 4. Export PTH via File → Export → KotOR Path (.pth) ## Compatibility Known to work with Blender versions ranging from 3.3 to 4.0. ## License GPL 3.0 or later -
1 point
Version 1.0.0
This mod will replace and update N_TatComW_F texture files. To Install 1. Download: TatComW HD 2. Copy all files to the Knights of the Old republic's Override folder. (Example location - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\Override) 3. When/if prompted to overwrite files, press okay. 4. If you like the mod; leave a comment or endorse! (It would be much appreciated) Made with love. -
1 point
Version A1.0
Sexy Female Companions Pack (Abridged) THIS IS AN ABRIDGED MOD. The full mod contains additional underwear options for all female companions. The full version of the mod is on Nexusmods under the name "Sexy Female Companions Pack". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sexy Clothing and Underwear Retexture Pack for Female Companions Bastila Mission and Juhani Description: This mod provides sexy retextures for the female companions in kotor; Bastila, Mission, and Juhani. There are multiple clothing and underwear options for each character. Installation: Navigate to the desired texture through the folders and put the .tga file in your kotor Override folder Unistallation: Delete the corresponding files from your kotor Override folder Compatibility: Naturally this mod cannot be used at the same time as another retexture of the same clothing or underwear. Also, it may not work with any mod which enhances the associated models (I do not know of any). Otherwise there should not be any issues unless there is a mod which I am unaware of which changes the "appearance.2da" file in such a way that an associated model or texture is different from the original game. Permissions Please do not use or upload this mod elsewhere without permission, which will probably be given if asked I can be contacted through DeadlyStream or NexusMods. My username for both is limpingfox. Special thanks for: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra MDLOps by Chuck Chargin Jr. -
0 points
Version 1.0
Sexy Male Companions Pack Sexier Clothing and Underwear Retexture Pack for Male Companions Carth, Canderous and Jolee Description: This mod provides sexier retextures for the male companions in kotor; Carth, Canderous, and Jolee. There are multiple clothing and underwear options. Installation: Navigate to the desired texture through the folders and put the .tga file in your kotor Override folder Unistallation: Delete the corresponding files from your kotor Override folder Compatibility: Naturally this mod cannot be used at the same time as another retexture of the same clothing or underwear. Also, it may not work with any mod which enhances the associated models (like "Carth's Clothes" by Kha). Otherwise there should not be any issues unless there is a mod which I am unaware of which changes the "appearance.2da" file in such a way that an associated model or texture is different from the original game. Notes: Carth's undies contain .mdl & .mdx files. These are files for his underwear model which will help eliminate seams. Permissions Please do not use or upload this mod elsewhere without permission, which will probably be given if asked I can be contacted through DeadlyStream or NexusMods. My username for both is limpingfox. Special thanks for: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra MDLOps by Chuck Chargin Jr. Jolee's Kaskyyyk Robes by svösh (A great mod which inspired me to create Jolee's Clothing in the style I did)